It dares you to laugh, and it becomes almost a guilty pleasure to do so.
John Rutter is one of the few who actually dares to write new ones.
Like any groundbreaking TV, it shows the audience something new, then dares it to look away.
And no mainstream party, on the right, left or centre, dares to be branded anti-European.
So, for now, no one dares criticise Mr Blair too sharply, lest they too are lynched.
It sings and dances to beat the band, and just about dares you not to love it.
The Treasury should be extending maturities starting tomorrow but nobody in Washington dares bring up the subject.
They are free to fix prices and pull merchandise from any wholesaler or retailer who dares to discount.
It even dares to suggest that a lower-tax economy might grow faster and generate more tax revenues over time.
It truly amazes me when an analyst dares to tell the truth and bothers to do some actual analysis.
No other African country that has recently banned female circumcision, including Egypt, Ghana and Burkina Faso, dares enforce the law.
ECONOMIST: Banning the practice may not be the best way of ending it
That narrow escape will occur only if the economy booms, thus raising tax collections more than anyone dares to predict.
Probably, the Fed dares the surplus nations to challenge on the value that the Fed designated relatively to renminbi and Euro.
FORBES: Bill Gross Says Bernanke Is Ripping A Band-Aid Off A Partially Healed Scab
The iPad is a bold piece of technology that dares to go against the complexity grain and make people simply happy.
FORBES: The Most Important Question Facing Apple's New iPad Mini
And although there is meant to be freedom of movement, no Gorazde resident dares travel in and out without an IFOR escort.
Even mighty Microsoft, for all its billions, dares not defy the blogosphere.
Who dares to be first to sell Cisco Systems, Dell Computer, EMC Corp. or Microsoft, even at 50 times forward earnings projections?
Yet no Danish party dares to sound as radical as Tony Blair.
ECONOMIST: They think their welfare state has fallen into a mess
An intelligent man dares to change his mind when the context changes.
"His success is a reminder that no one who dares to stand up and challenge the status quo does so alone, " she said.
Yet neither candidate, and neither of their parties, dares countenance the idea that the fundamentals of the middle-class economy are anything but sound.
No one dares estimate the tab for commuter subsidies--or the cost of maintaining a rail bureaucracy, known as the Mid-Region Council of Governments.
However, it should be noted that any person who dares to go against general public sentiments may have to face this kind of fate.
John Edwards dares to stand in the gap between rich and poor, black and white, urban and rural, a vision of a new America.
The SNP is relentlessly hostile to anyone who dares to speak out against them or question their version of reality or challenge their proposals.
BBC: Scots ministers to reform police, jobs and alcohol laws
In India, as in many countries, the government dares not allow the rising price of crude to be felt in the common man's pockets.
No, but you could be forgiven for thinking so, judging by the hysterical reaction that often greets an expectant mother who dares to sip Chardonnay.
"I might sound boring, but today no one even dares to think that players like Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo can come to Italy, " he said.
But consumer demand is clearly picking up, companies will start investing more at some point, and Japanese shares, Buttonwood dares aver, have further to rise.