Add their French-born children, and the proportion of the dark-skinned is a lot higher still.
He was worried about his family's safety, having heard rumors of rebels attacking dark-skinned Libyans.
But not all Gypsies are dark-skinned and only about 4m, at most, speak some kind of Romany.
That's why, in future, I have to ask them outright how they'll react if we sign a dark-skinned player.
Dark-skinned people living in northern locales are most at risk, as they absorb sunlight more poorly than light-skinned folks.
Some have also suggested that people from "brown nations" around the world tended to look down upon dark-skinned people.
Forty thousand years ago, their long-lost Homo sapiens cousins from Africa began to show their high-browed, dark-skinned faces in Neanderthals' haunts.
More important are Mr Cardoso's economic reforms, which aim to achieve sustained, inflation-free growth, and therefore greater prosperity for the predominantly dark-skinned poor.
Such violence and vilification formed the bedrock for the controversial White Australia policy, where the country passed laws restricting dark-skinned immigrants up until the early 1970s.
The tweet provoked an angry response from many who saw racist overtones in his comparison of the dark-skinned, bearded Mr Ahmadinejad to a monkey.
That reality permeates every aspect of Mauritanian life from the dark-skinned boys who serve mint-flavored tea at restaurants to the clothes people wear.
Around him stood an entourage of fierce-looking, dark-skinned barefoot men in similar attire, each with a sword or dagger bound to his waist by a gold-encrusted belt.
During his initial reporting, King had said that law enforcement officials had told him that a "dark-skinned male" had been spotted leaving the package believed to be a bomb.
Only three of us went me, a curly-haired actor named Henry, and a short, dark-skinned man who introduced himself as Patalarga and never bothered to give me his real name.
"He's thoughtful, he's articulate, he's handsome, he doesn't fit any of the stereotypes of the dangerous dark-skinned black male that people see every day on television, " Mr Westen said.
But for all the good that perfunctory new security measures at metro stations will do more document checks of dark-skinned people, the occasional sniffer dog they might as well be able to.
In the 100 years since the Mexican Revolution, one part of Mexico has often been at war with another: urban vs. rural, rich vs. poor and, yes, dark-skinned vs. light-skinned.
Dark-skinned Romany-speaking nomads of Hindu origin, says the dictionary.
They have tried to present U.S. politics not as a choice between liberal and conservative but as a choice between American and non-American, between real Americans and between a dangerous dark-skinned intruder.
Washington (CNN) -- In the hours after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, law enforcement officials were searching for a dark-skinned Middle Eastern man in connection to the attack that killed 168 people, including 19 children.
As an academic with deep knowledge of theology and canon law, the pope is probably not thrilled about the fact that some Mexicans put images of the dark-skinned representation of the Virgin Mary right next to that of Christ.
Indeed, the favorite of the progressive critique is to assert with confidence that I am a "white supremacist, " a hard feat for any Jew, much less a Hasidic one contentedly married for more than 20 years to a "dark-skinned" Sephardic Jewess of Iranian descent.
Most memorably, though, it's a movie of minimalist moments (Molly's tiniest gestures speak volumes) and lovely, almost holy tableaux -- the three dark-skinned sprites running through the woods in their white shifts, Molly reaching out with an instinctive gesture to protect little Daisy from disaster.
Well-known Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes recommended this week that dark-skinned people, men with mustaches, women who use shawls, or anyone who does not speak English well should not go to Arizona, because the state has "officially declared itself racist, " the government-run Notimex news service reported Wednesday.
Her unease lasted through the introductions of two elderly Russian couples, two elderly Chinese couples, three middle-aged Dominican couples, one handsome young Haitian man, one very tall, very old, and very loud Haitian woman with a funny name Oolna and one dark-skinned woman who spoke so fast and with such a heavy accent that nobody could understand what she said or where she came from.
Most avocados sold in the U.S. are the dark, bumpy-skinned Hass variety grown in California or Mexico.
WSJ: Avocado Sales Are Rising, as Consumers Buy Into the Fruit as a Source of 'Healthy Fats'
There, wrapped in a dark sweatshirt, lying quietly, was a brown-skinned, day-old infant.
CNN: Kevin has a family: A same-sex couple's remarkable journey
Putin did not restrain his skin-head Nashi hooligans, when they targeted dark skinned people on the streets.
The lighter-skinned local people rejected and persecuted them because of their slave origins, their dark skin and wide features.