Or is the truth secretly (and more darkly) that we just don't like to share?
He has also declared darkly that Russia will press ahead with modernising its nuclear arsenal.
Its darkly symbolic and ritualistic content made a strong impression on the younger artist.
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Mr Ramos is also a former general and has been darkly critical of the Estrada government.
Paul so elegantly put it, we see only "through a glass darkly" while on this earth.
Directed by Neil Armfield, this new production at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre is darkly hilarious.
ECONOMIST: Eug��ne Ionesco's ��Exit the King��: Forgotten gem | The
That day, a white car with darkly tinted windows followed him out of the studio before dawn.
If you hang a black flat-screen on a darkly painted wall, it will no longer pop jarringly.
Yulia Timoshenko, a volatile but important ally, had talked darkly about Mr Kuchma's fate if he did not co-operate.
ECONOMIST: Peace breaks out in Ukraine, at least for the time being
Estate agents mutter darkly about potential purchasers heading elsewhere rather than pushing local house prices even more vertiginously high.
One minister muttered darkly about efforts to destabilise France ahead of its presidency of the G20 later this year.
Saying more about Ms. Richardson's range in the crucial role would risk lessening the impact of this darkly powerful film.
This rendition of "Ida Lupino, " recorded in 1965 and included on the Paul Bley Trio's newly reissued Closer, is darkly winsome.
We see the leper only darkly: his blackened skin, its clammy sheen.
Back in 1995, then President Boris Yeltsin talked darkly about Bosnia being the first sign of what could happen with NATO's expansion.
CNN: Syria, Sarajevo and Srebrenica: When outrage isn't enough
Secular Istanbul editors joke darkly about moving to Izmir, which voted no.
It's a sleeker, sharper, far more visually intoxicating machine dream of a movie, with a darkly liquid electronic texture all its own.
Jackie Kennedy also recalled how her husband joked darkly about being assassinated after discussing Abraham Lincoln's legacy with Princeton historian David Donald.
One of his team blamed Tory and Labour MPs for spinning out their speeches, and hinted darkly at a cross-party conspiracy to spoil the launch.
We start with the limited release, sci-fi adventure, A Scanner Darkly.
NPR: Summary Judgment: 'A Scanner Darkly,' 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' 'Once in a Lifetime'
There's a few samples in the gallery below: the flash was helpful when nabbing some stills on a darkly lit street and the outdoor pics are quite sharp.
Just think, some mutter darkly, what would have happened if the financial crisis and the war in Georgia had taken place under the preceding Slovenian presidency.
In a press release rejecting the offer, Icahn said as much, muttering darkly about how Bristol-Myers Squibb might have exploited insider information about a possible breakup plan.
However, both the alleged organiser of Wednesday's attack, Algerian militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar, and the prospect of a drawn-out kidnapping saga, are darkly familiar to the Algerian authorities.
Jacques Chirac, France's president, warned darkly last week that he would veto any Doha deal that demanded more changes to the common agricultural policy (see article).
The Beaver's blend of darkly humorous drama - not to mention belief in a talking glove puppet - did not appeal to box office audiences in the States.
They warn darkly that, while bilateral relations with the Kremlin have been productively "reset, " the sky will fall if ratification is not forthcoming over the next three weeks.
There is certainly a darkly wretched streak in his background.