He dashes through the lunchtime cacophony of taxis, camera swinging precariously by its strap.
She dashes off toward a little square of brown grass to take a leak.
Despite dashes to Frankfurt by President Nicolas Sarkozy, France and Germany are not in agreement.
Being broadcast without a pause, the combination of dots and dashes could also have been read as IJS, SMB, or VTB.
Moby veered from upbeat dance anthems to slow, emotional numbers, with dashes of early 90s rave music thrown in.
Simple, solid, geometric design, middle-weight features and a few dashes of colorful spice to make it easier on the eye.
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She dashes from her refuge to please her father by saving the butter from the debris falling from the shuddering ceiling.
Falling consumption dashes hopes around the world that Chinese consumers will be buying foreign products and thereby stimulating growth in other countries.
He made a few more dashes with the pen, and a cute, floppy bow materialized, tying up the toes like a present.
That dashes any hopes that the medicine will make it to market.
There are also small dashes of Shakespeare's own dialogue peppering several conversations.
Disappointingly, inventories grew by 0.1%, which dashes hopes that the slowdown in economic growth was only a temporary consequence of destocking by businesses.
At the WSJ, where one bunch of stars and dashes recalled the letter A, the "A-hed" started out as just another headline code.
WSJ: A-Heds: The Wall Street Journal's Page One Column Explained
In the midst of it, our suburban boy keeps getting locked out of the auditorium each time he dashes to the bar for a drink.
"We don't need waterproof pockets, " he announces briskly, and dashes off.
Our experience of human connection from dots-and-dashes, or from SKYPE, comes from the operation of imagination, desire, and attention interacting with technological interactivity, reliability, and availability.
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Woodland drew Morse dots and dashes as he sat on the beach and absent-mindedly left his fingers in the sand where they traced a series of parallel lines.
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Here's how it goes: A group of runners (aka pack of hounds) looks for clues (dashes of flour or chalk marks) on the ground to indicate the correct path.
Its mission is to broadcast the message "Hi this is Niwaka Japan" in Morse code, using bursts of intense light to draw dots and dashes across the heavens.
ENGADGET: Japan's LED-stacked cubesat will burn Morse code into the heavens
The technology should remind you of that pet GPS collar which sends email alerts to the pet owner when Rover dashes outside of the confines of his monitored fenced-in yard.
Next, make lines and curves and dots and dashes on the surface of your choosing: paper, canvas, sandy beach, dirt floor of rustic cabin or the skin of exceptionally trusting loved one.
Ways to get it in your kid's diet: Sprinkle it on oatmeal, pancakes, cold cereal and yogurt, and add a few extra dashes of cinnamon to muffin or quick-bread recipes that call for it.
Yet he still dashes around Amazon with the intensity of a startup boss trying to make his first payroll, as well as the glee of a teenager discovering all the fun you can have at overnight camp.
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Eclipse has emulated the success of the TomTom One's concept with the announcement of the AVN2210p, although their solution is arguably less elegant seeing as it's based around a double-DIN sized unit designed to be integrated into car dashes.
ENGADGET: Eclipse's AVN 2210p apes TomTom One's portable style
But sometimes, instead of just moving sedately to a neighbouring bit of grazing when a patch was exhausted, they would make mad midnight dashes across an apparently suitable habitat, moving as far as 20km during the hours of darkness.
The 52-page decision by U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan dashes the hopes of ABC, NBC and other broadcasters that they could quickly shut down Aereo, which uses tiny individual antennas to capture TV signals that it streams to each customer over the Internet.
FORBES: Diller's Aereo Survives First Battle, Threatening All-Out Legal War Over TV