But beware: with little macrodata to feed the frenzy this Friday, we should expect some prudent risk pairing as we head into the weekend without a solution.
Their estimate has not been lowered, but economist Zhiwei Zhang said they will watch the macrodata scheduled for release on March 9 before making any adjustments in their current forecast.
Richard Ross, a global technical strategist for the firm, said there were some subtle signs of macro technical strength emerging in the technical data.
This is because the macro concerns have had little impact on data demand which has continued to remain strong driven by the key trends of mobile Internet and cloud computing.
They are curbing run-away energy with a combination of micro-level controls (for individual servers, power distribution units, air-flow controllers, and cooling units) as well as macro-level controls and policies (for racks of servers, rows of racks, and entire data centers).