Ms. Tharp, now 70 and a grandmother, has long been known for her iconoclastic works, which date back to 1965 and range from stark cerebral dances to grander ballet spectacles.
And, given the lack of outcry or meaningful push-back from Senators to date, whynot?
After pushing back the original construction finish date from 2016 to 2020 in March 2010, project leaders admitted that the city would need to import much of its electricity and that plans for electric transport pods (part of a personal rapid transit system) would not be feasible citywide.
The bout has been put back from the original 16 February date - when it was set for the Afan Lido - for Williams to recover from the injuries sustained in his defeat to Harrison.
These things date back to the 1960s and look like they came from Dr. Zarkov's laboratory from Flash Gordon.
Japan leveled at 2-2 in Moscow as home No. 1 Maria Kirilenko was unable to play due to illness, as Ayumi Morita triumphed 6-4 6-1 against stand-in Elena Vesnina, but Ekatarina Makarova bounced back from her Saturday defeat to beat Kimiko Date-Krumm 6-1 6-1.
Archaeologists from the University of Leicester believe the remains date back to AD300.
All the pieces of avocado-glazed pottery come from the nearby Snake Kiln, whose traditions date back to the Ming dynasty.
You can amend past returns and file for back refunds for up to three years from the original due date of a return, including extensions.
These additional calories, even just a few, combined with the reduced energy expenditure from the weight loss to-date puts people back on a weight gain trajectory.
Their cheap weapons come mostly from huge but fast-shrinking surplus stocks that date back to cold war days.
"I'll be back in Annapolis next year to ask Maryland to change its effective date from January to July, " says Griesing of the Soap and Detergent Association.
Modern vaccines date back to British doctor Edward Jenner's 1796 work immunizing children using pus from cowpox blisters.
The origins of Ati-Atihan date back to the 13th Century, when a group of lighter skinned Malay immigrants from Borneo chose to show their respect for the local Ati people by painting their faces black and singing and dancing in thanks for the land and food that was offered to them.
Findus said a letter from Comigel dated February 2 informed Findus that the contamination may date back to August 2012.
CNN: Battle over blame after horsemeat found in beef products
Some of the best-kept mummies date back more than 500 years from the Inca civilization, which stretched from Peru to Chile.
CNN: 'Death can tell us a lot about living,' mummy expert says stands accused of quote "date bait, " which is making up fake emails from sexy potential partners to lure back customers whose accounts are about to expire with
The crannog was originally thought to be 700 years old, but fragments of pottery found at the site date from as far back as the ninth century.
His decision to sanction, support and add his signature to a plan to take half a billion euros worth of assets back from the bank that now owned them was his most ill-judged move to date.
As any informed baseball fan knows, stadium subsidies date at least as far back as March 1953 when Boston Braves owner Lou Perini agreed to move his team from Beantown to Milwaukee in exchange for a new stadium.
FORBES: Will an Empty Marlins Park Create Backlash Against Sports Stadium Subsidies?
Some observers date the rise in religious observance back even further, to the 1980s, when guest workers in Saudi Arabia from across the Muslim world began returning to their own countries, re-importing with them the strict Wahhabi subsect of Islam for which the desert kingdom is known.