This is the biggest fine of its type to date, said Jan Dawson, chief telecoms analyst at research firm Ovum.
They buy Marty a new Toyota SUV and tell him to have a swell time on his weekend date--the type of parents every teenager dreams of.
Tokyo does plan to restart at least six reactors within the next year, and plans to restart all reactors that post-date the Fukushima-type GE Mark I and II reactors.
It also displays the current date and time in large type, in addition to the owner's mobile phone number.
That leaves the European Central Bank, which to date has been wary of the type of quantitative easing executed by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The final pieces of data were the last four digits of the credit card that was used to pay for the flight, the type of card, and the amount and date of the charge.
FORBES: Your Delta Boarding Pass: More Information For Identity Thieves
Nevertheless, the deal is unnerving to dominant broadcasters that to date have ignored the online world, because it shows the type of Internet-enabled behemoth that could some day stalk their turf.
"Say you had this spike in demand that limits your ability to deliver at this time, but that you can deliver by a date you know you can deliver by, and offer some type of inducement for their patience, like free shipping or an extra product feature, " he says.
WSJ: Can You Handle a Sudden Surge in Sales at Your Business?
All current employees will no longer accrue defined pension benefits as of that date and will be forced into a 401(k)-type plan, as will new hires.
For instance, the keyboard offers several handy tricks -- type "ld" to automatically insert today's date, "mypin" for the device PIN, "mynumber" for your phone number and so on.
ENGADGET: Back to BlackBerry: a power user's perspective Mobile
Graham Cluley, a computer security expert from net security company Sophos, told the BBC that there were ways for computer owners to protect their machines from this type of fraud - for instance, by using up-to-date anti-virus software.
Its 112 pages unveil the mysteries of the craft of artisanal fisherman Edilson Miguel da Silva, 61, who, for 35 years, has built and employed this type of raft, which has nowadays been replaced with more up-to-date vessels.