Economists since David Hume in the 18th century have known about the smooth workings of unified currency systems.
The speech to the David Hume Institute is intended to make for uncomfortable reading by MSPs.
This was, in fact, David Hume's argument, representing a disagreement with his friend, Adam Smith.
ECONOMIST: On Alexander Solzhenitsyn, religion, business schools, Russia, the Olympic games | The
The lecture at the David Hume Institute was his first detailed reflection on his time in office.
Councillors are being recommended by the director of corporate services David Hume to agree the new code.
Roslin director Prof David Hume said the award highlighted the importance of its research to the productivity of the UK livestock sector.
BBC: Roslin Institute gets ?23m for animal sciences research
Prof Paterson put his thoughts in a paper written for the David Hume Institute (DHI) in Edinburgh, which is holding a conference on the big issue of energy in an independent Scotland.
As David Hume would have it, either our actions are determined, in which case we are not responsible for them, or they are the result of random events, in which case we are not responsible for them.
Paul Johnson was lecturing the David Hume Institute in Edinburgh on Tuesday, suggesting that the consequence of protecting health, schools and overseas aid in the Whitehall budget is that other budgets will face a squeeze of an average one third over very few years.
Two floors go on to depict the intellectual flowering of the Scottish enlightenment (epitomised by David Hume and Adam Smith), and the economic explosion fuelled by British imperial expansion that took place after the union with England, with exhibits ranging from Paisley-pattern textiles to silverware and steam engines.
The reference is now included in one of several papers written for the David Hume Institute (DHI) in Edinburgh, which today holds a conference on the big issue of energy in an independent Scotland, from the point of view of oil and gas, of renewables, and of the consumer.
One by one, the main players in the peace process have exited the main political stage, from SDLP leader John Hume to Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble to US President Bill Clinton to prime ministers Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern.