• Just a day after announcing the discovery of the first Earth-size planets ever detected outside our Solar System, scientists have confirmed the existence of two even smaller worlds.

    BBC: Newly found planets are 'roasted remains'

  • The latest trouble began after a procession through the church on Holy Cross Day - marking the discovery of the cross which some believe was used for the crucifixion.

    BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Jerusalem clerics in punch-up row

  • Listen, all this venom of yours, one day will be gradually substituted by an encouraging search of discovery of our journey here.

    FORBES: Connect

  • She told BBC News Online the discovery could one day benefit people with a range of lung conditions.

    BBC: 'Growing human lungs' a step closer

  • Some day all of us will be copacetic with electronically stored information and the lawsuit discovery process will be coextensive with eDiscovery.

    FORBES: Written by Robert D. Brownstone

  • The news that more U.S. wheat customers were raising concerns initially pushed wheat futures lower for the second day in a row, as traders weighed the threat that the discovery of modified wheat could pose to demand.

    WSJ: Asian Buyers Shun U.S. Wheat

  • Also nearby is its water-park sister, Aquatica, and the worlds-away Discovery Cove, where a limited number of guests enjoy a day of lounging on a private beach, swimming with the dolphins and floating along the lazy river through the bird aviary.

    BBC: Lonely Planet's top five day trips from Miami

  • On Thursday, October 29, the launch of space shuttle Discovery from Cape Canaveral, Florida, is to take place on a nine-day Spacehab mission.

    CNN: Saturday,

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