Spraying the walls of houses with DDT helped the U.S. conquer malaria 60 years ago.
In the case of the DDT film, it was about a desire we still have.
She wrote how a DDT-like pesticide affected the uterus by blocking powerful pituitary hormones.
DDT-spraying causes harm to humans, but no replicated, peer-reviewed study has ever demonstrated this.
Scientists believe the controversial pesticide DDT is responsible for premature puberty in girls in developing countries.
The Channel Islands had resident populations of bald eagles, who fed on marine critters contaminated with DDT.
In our reporting, we stumbled upon a scene from the DDT film on an obscure Web page.
One would be hard put to find a more murderously emotional, know-nothing position than the one on DDT.
The government is distributing bed nets, draining mosquito breeding grounds and spraying huts with DDT to kill mosquitos.
What was not known at the time, however, was DDT's propensity to accumulate, persist and damage the environment.
President Bush should instruct U.S. officials to actively push the use of DDT.
Yet no countries that weren't using DDT in 2005 are using it today.
DDT-spraying would be cheap and effective, but says that the government has no definite plans to start spraying again.
DDT, a once-controversial chemical that works safely against malaria when sprayed inside dwellings.
Populations have recovered since the ban on DDT in the 1970s but scientists band them to keep track of them.
The chemical will be added to the Stockholm Convention, which now regulates 22 toxic substances such as DDT and PCBs.
Environmental opposition to this pesticide is still fierce, and companies that make weak alternatives to DDT fan this fanatical opposition.
Buried in paragraph 27, and paraphrasing the Congressman, The Washington Post concedes that "numerous" deaths might have been prevented by DDT.
It is also known that plastic particles tend to accumulate persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic contaminants such as PCBs, DDT and PBDEs.
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More to the point, the Chinese drug is used after a victim contracts malaria--it does not prevent the disease, as does DDT.
Applied judiciously inside houses, DDT virtually eliminates the incidence of malaria, which takes 1 million lives a year, mostly those of children.
Polychlorinated biphenyls, (PCBs), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and DDT are also organochlorine compounds which, although banned or discredited, are still evident in the environment.
Today that resignation has given way to a new sense of optimism, thanks, in part, to the revival of the controversial pesticide DDT.
Random samples of German cockroaches, the common household variety, have turned up some that are resistant to almost all known insecticides, including DDT.
But another key factor was the decision taken in the 1980s to restrict the use of powerful insecticides such as DDT and chlordane.
DDT, stopped females depositing calcium in the shells of their eggs.
The assertions were never substantiated, but DDT was banned in many nations and became nearly impossible to obtain in those nations that still permitted its usage.
The pesticide DDT was found to be the cause of the problem as its use resulted in a thinning and subsequent cracking of their egg shells.
Among the agents classed in Group 2B, possibly carcinogenic, are coffee and DDT, both of which have been extensively studied and found not be linked to cancer.
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