After the winger rounded the posts he clashed with Kameli Ratuvou in the dead ball area prompting an all-in melee on both sides that saw the Saracens centre depart on a stretcher.
On 1 January seven charity workers, six of them women, were shot dead in the Swabi area.
Two cats were found dead in the South View area - one in January and the other in August 2010.
Afterward, about 1, 000 police flooded the neighborhood, where the father of one of the dead men tried to calm area residents.
CNN: Following four nights of frenzy, an eerie calm in Britain
At least 10 paramilitary troops have been found shot dead in a volatile tribal area of north-west Pakistan, security officials say.
In addition, two Palestinian men, ages 19 and 21, from the Bethlehem area were found dead at the scene of an explosion near the site where the Maccabiah Games are expected to start on Monday, said Israeli police.
Mr Robinson, 22, from the Shotton Colliery area, was pronounced dead at the scene.
They said gunmen wearing military uniforms stormed homes in their area and shot villagers dead.
Indian security forces shot dead 12 militants in the Saujian area of Poonch district, near the Line of Control which divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan.
Rosina, from Dorchester, Dorset, died three days after her birth in October 1995, and Laura, whose mother lives in the Oxford area, was born dead in October 1992.
On Wednesday, officers spoke to 768 people as they stopped commuters passing the area where he was shot dead.
The man was found outside the property, in the town's Hockwell Ring area, and was pronounced dead within an hour of emergency services arriving at the scene, the spokeswoman said.
Last May, two earthquakes in the same area left more than 20 people dead.
The past fortnight has seen intense fighting in this area, with at least 100 dead.
After the storm, the Mississippi Department of Transportation began bulldozing the dead trees, much to the chagrin of area residents.
And because the bacteria use oxygen in the water as they digest oil, scientists are concerned that process could cause an oxygen-depleted area underwater a "dead zone" that could choke off a variety of undersea life.
Following the murder of Mr Kell, 30-year-old father of two, Gary Moore, from the Limavady area of County Londonderry was shot dead as he worked on a building site on the mainly loyalist Monkstown estate on the outskirts of north Belfast on Wednesday afternoon.
Hall warns that people should avoid contact with any sick or dead birds and avoid eating fish caught in the area.
She crossed Hollis Avenue and cut through a wooded area, emerging in an alley that dead-ended at the body shop of Dave Dinger Ford, an auto dealership.
The wounded officers, sheriff's Detective Jeremiah MacKay and Deputy Alex Collins, were loaded into the flatbed of a pickup truck and later airlifted to area hospitals, where MacKay was pronounced dead.
Two young children have been found dead after a severe house fire in the Bradley Stoke area of Bristol.
C. area, and elsewhere that left 13 people dead and six wounded.
CNN: Supreme Court not ready to debate execution of juveniles
Today, Mr. Yousef who is known locally as Alaa tours the Idlib area with his satellite phone and records the dead on video, uploading his footage and accounts to Skype chat rooms and the Web.
The guidelines, sent to more than 200 parishes in the Melbourne area, acknowledge that the wishes of the dead person as well as of family and friends should be taken into account when planning a funeral.
BBC: Catholic Church in Australia bans pop music at funerals
The dead mice will target snakes in a fenced-in area of the base, he said, so officials will be able to determine the effectiveness in that area versus an adjacent area that the snakes could move in and out of.
Teams began to defend him differently, shifting extra infielders to the area between first and second bases to neutralize his dead-pull stroke.
So I set out to visit two of the most reputable bike shops in the area, money at the ready, in the dead of Black Friday.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Fear and loathing in the local bike shop
The driver, who was from the Cardiff area, was recovered from the car but was pronounced dead at the scene.
BBC: Heavy traffic on the M4 between J28-29 on Friday morning
Just last month, more than 10, 000 dead pigs from an unconfirmed source were fished out of Shanghai-area waters of the Huangpu River.
FORBES: Shanghai Discovers Two More Cases Of Deadly Bird Flu; More Poultry Markets Shut