The deadweight cost of capital taxation is higher than that of consumption, property or income taxation.
You will note that consumption taxes have lower deadweight costs than capital and corporation taxes.
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Now ask: Is our wealth generating new wealth or is it just sitting there like deadweight?
Corporation taxes, unfortunately, have along with capital taxes, the highest deadweight costs for the revenue they raise.
For example, here is the OECD empirical work on the deadweight costs of various forms of tax.
FORBES: I Must Apologise For One Of My Fellow Englishmen: Simon Tilford In The New York Times
On the best allowance, there are too few conceivable advantages to measure against this deadweight of clear loss.
More deadweight can be gotten rid of by getting Dennis Hastert to resign as Speaker of the House of Representatives.
It has been accompanied by a rise in debt burdens that will be a deadweight on economies for many years.
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Put it another way, it might be worth incurring what economists would call some "deadweight loss" to make them happen.
This policy will hurt the world, because it causes inefficiencies (deadweight loss).
Those with the least deadweight effect are repetitive taxes on real property.
FORBES: Taxing Capital Isn't About Fair: It's About Efficiency
And we have a spectrum of deadweight costs associated with various taxes.
The freight forwarder and ship charterer has grown into a major shipowner with 1.8 million deadweight tonnage and 45 international routes in service.
Whereas French and Italian fashion students labour under the deadweight of tradition and past glory, she says, British students are encouraged to be individualistic.
He doubts whether enough new managers would be attracted to make up for the deadweight cost of giving a tax break to existing ones.
The 5% target was what the Treasury calls the deadweight cost.
Indeed, some would argue that the spur of such a tax leads to more efficient allocation of the resources and thus to a negative deadweight cost.
FORBES: Taxing Capital Isn't About Fair: It's About Efficiency
At that depth stopping the flow with a deadweight of drilling fluid should create few problems, once the exceedingly difficult challenge of hitting the well is met.
But smoother increases in marginal tax rates, as under current law, create less economic friction, and fewer deadweight losses, then those with a number of peaks and valleys.
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Hongkong Bank's shipping arm estimates that rates for chartering the biggest ships, those over 100, 000 deadweight tonnes, have fallen by almost half since the start of the year.
Thatcher knew the deadweight on the economy of excessive taxation.
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The economic inefficiency, or deadweight loss, would not matter.
You may think the answer is protectionism to stop the trade from happening in the first place, but the deadweight losses are likely to be even larger for protectionism than for transfers.
The Conservatives have accepted that offering general tax relief on health insurance would be too expensive, given the deadweight cost of extending it to the more than 6m individuals who are already covered.
Some taxes have higher deadweight costs than others.
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For that reason of differential deadweight costs.
FORBES: Taxing Capital Isn't About Fair: It's About Efficiency
The 9-9-9 Plan is a member of what I call the family of taxonomically equivalent tax systems, which define the tax base in an economically proper manner, albeit in different forms, and minimize the deadweight-loss tax burden on the economy.
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All taxes have a deadweight cost.
FORBES: Taxing Capital Isn't About Fair: It's About Efficiency
The Ryan-Sununu approach would turn a deadweight, pay-as-you-go liability system into an enormous generator of capital that would significantly increase economic growth in the years ahead--and give participants far more in retirement payment and leave them a real nest egg of capital.
Most other countries are not for any system of taxation (and compulsory insurance through the tax system will be the same on this point) does not include the major cost of taxation: the deadweight cost on the rest of the economy.
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