• As the police officer approached my family, I quickly stood up and told him that these were deaf and dumb people that I was chaperoning.

    CNN: Why I fled North Korea

  • It is increasingly obvious that digital computers are very bright, but deaf, dumb and blind.

    FORBES: Computing Desire

  • Ismaiel, an Iranian refugee living in Holland, inherits the notebooks of his deaf-and-dumb father, Aga Akbar.

    ECONOMIST: Novels from the Netherlands

  • It was all working so well until that stupid mouse spilled the beans to the deaf, dumb and blind kid, who started buying gold.

    FORBES: 'Deflator Mouse'

  • The deaf, dumb and blind kid starts buying gold.

    FORBES: 'Deflator Mouse'

  • "Instead of being deaf, dumb, and blind sitting on our desks or in our pockets, our computers might be able to observe what we do all day, understand what is important to us, and act as a virtual assistant who helps us on a second-by-second basis, " said Thad Starner, Associate Professor of the Contextual Computing Group at Georgia Tech University.

    CNN: Future dress code: Very smart

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