It could be an unexpected death in the family, a loss of a job, a debilitating disease or disability, a divorce, or a natural disaster.
There could be bigger issues affecting children's behavior and attention, like a death in the family, an abusive relationship and other life experiences, experts said.
He says the code sets out the kinds of behaviour that is acceptable for recovery agents - for example that they cannot visit late at night or when there is a death in the family.
BBC: India's middle class struggles with personal debt burden
It was also the first game back for former Devils player and head coach John MacLean, now an assistant to Muller....D Mark Fayne was in the Devils starting lineup despite missing the morning skate due to a death in the family....The Hurricanes had last won here on March 28, 2009.
Professor Meadow's figure on the likelihood of cot deaths was disputed by other experts who argued genetic and environmental factors made the odds of a second cot death in the same family closer to 200 to one.
Cooley noted in his letter that Atkins was initially sentenced to death, like others in the Manson Family, including its leader, Charles Manson.
Last year, the lorry driver was found responsible for Glen's death in a civil case brought by the family and an inquest found Glen died as a result of a road traffic accident.
In the days after his death, his family described Mr Williams in a statement as a "generous, loving son, brother, and friend" whose loss had devastated them.
Simpson lost a motion Tuesday to delay the former football star's deposition in a wrongful death suit filed by the family of murder victim Ronald Goldman.
When Abram Pritzker died in 1986, his death taxes were slashed after the family claimed successfully that his money had been moved to trusts in the Bahamas, a former British possession with secrecy laws for financial arrangements.
He spoke of the impact Holly's death had on his family and how reading the book in proof form had helped them.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cambridgeshire | Holly's father speaks of grief
The grandmother of a teenager stabbed to death in Birmingham has urged his killer to come forward as the family marked what would have been his 17th birthday.
The Foreign Office said it was aware of the death of a British national in Thailand, and was providing consular assistance to the family.
Heading each chapter is a paragraph charting the terrible progress of the disease in a real family, and making the connection between the death of the cell and the death of the self.
In his youth he was known as "William the bastard", but was recognised as the family's heir on his father's death in 1035 and so inherited the Duchy of Normandy.
The family didn't disclose the cause of her death, which happened in Fort Lee, New Jersey.
"Now that the court has ruled that there is evidence that it was foreseeable that AEG's actions resulted in Michael Jackson's death, the Jackson family feels vindicated from the public smear campaign that AEG has waged against them, " Jackson lawyer Kevin Boyle said Sunday.
In Edgefield federal prison, where I was housed for a few years, the procedure for informing an inmate of the death of a family member was intended to provide safety for the inmate and those in the prison.
FORBES: Imprisoned Jeffrey Skilling (Enron) Loses 20 year-old Son In Overdose
Child With A Dove was sold by auctioneers Christies on behalf of the Aberconway family in Wales, who were bequeathed the painting in 1947 following the death of Samuel Courtauld.
"Everyone is shocked and saddened by the news of his death and I speak for every member of the force in extending our heartfelt sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues, " Mr Madgwick said.
But in the quarter-century after her death, the family became divided over a possible sale with William Cox III, Mr. Cox's son, helping lead the faction favoring a sale.
If the first spouse leaves everything to the surviving spouse, the family could end up paying hundreds of thousands in unnecessary estate taxes after the death of the second spouse.
Some Suharto-watchers attribute the apparent breakdown of family discipline to the death of the president's wife, Tien, in April 1996.
The family's neighbours in London spoke of their sorrow following the girl's death.
"It's hard for some people to get their head around the fact that it is OK to have the parents in there, even if the child is near death, but we are providing care for the entire family, not just a sick child, " Dr. Allen says.
WSJ: Children's Hospitals Make Room for Mom, Dad and Diversions
Likewise, Roberts won a Supreme Court ruling that the family of a woman who died in a fire could not use the federal wrongful-death statute to sue the city of Tarrant, Alabama.
Some of the queen's closest brushes with disaster have involved a lack of visibility, most painfully in 1997 when she remained in Scotland with the royal family after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Since the death of a family at their home in Camborne last month, and a St Ives landlady in January, Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service said its helpline had received more than 80 calls a day.
BBC: Fire service sees rise in carbon monoxide poisoning cases
Ms Palk's death was the first in a series of tragic events for the Palk family.