• The argument holds no weight with Professor Gareth Williams, whose book - Angel of Death - charts the history of smallpox.

    BBC: Should the US and Russia destroy their smallpox stocks?

  • Broken Sword the Angel of Death is one of the first games to support the amBX technology.

    ENGADGET: Live coverage of Philips' CES press conference

  • As del Toro emerged outside, the Angel of Death was being gingerly lowered into the back seat.

    NEWYORKER: Show The Monster

  • KimRon also found other, more disturbing records, showing that the twins were subjected to experiments by Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor dubbed the "Angel of Death" for his gruesome experiments on humans, particularly twins.


  • Cuban prosecutors are reported to be seeking a seven-year jail term for Spanish politician Angel Carromero over the death of dissident Oswaldo Paya in a car crash.

    BBC: Cuba prosecutors seek seven years for Spain's Carromero

  • Similar discords erupt through the film, including the murky choking as Madeline jumps into San Francisco Bay, the sonic explosion following each plummeting death, including Scottie's nightmare, and the goose-pimply cluster traveling up the tower stairs with the shadowy nun an angel of death if ever there was one.

    NPR: 'Hitchcock's Music' Scores Big on Suspense

  • Of course, the 2005 APHIS Review of US horse slaughter that was carried ut for eleven months from January 2005 until November 2005 dispels any illusions anyone in America should have about the US beigng a kinder, gentler Angel of Death than Mexico (Kaufmanzoning.org).

    FORBES: No American Horse Steak for You, Europeans

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