The impact of time decay as the option expiry draws nearer will vary.
Whereas if we were really close to expiration, there is a greater chance of all of the premium being lost on the option that is opposite of the stock price movement as the rate of time decay will increase exponentially.
Today, they stand in varying states of decay, ravished by time, vandals and wild weather.
Understanding how parts erode, decay or develop over time will allow them to transfer that knowledge into new designs.
And since they are running more of the time, they avoid some of the decay that often affects cars that spend a lot of time parked.
This particular block is a slum, one where we can see urban decay take place in real time.
There has been a profound loss of cultural creativity, apparent, for example, in the decay of the Islamic city and its time-honoured traditions of craftsmanship, piety and community.
Furthermore, it would take a combination of extreme events to make things dangerous in Tokyo (nuclear re-criticality, steam explosion) etc all of which are being rendered less and less likely as time passes and the heat decay process progresses.
For a long time the Portuguese allowed Macau to decay slowly, reluctant to invest more than necessary in this distant outpost.
Tritium would not be very dangerous just sitting in a tank somewhere -it would decay to very low levels of radiation in time.
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By the time the boy got there, the tooth decay had spread to an infection of the brain.
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Most of what has been produced has been lost due to the ravages of time, ignorance of its value, chemical decay and technological obsolescence.
It will be necessary for some time to actively cool the reactors while the decay heat continues to decrease, but within a few months it will be possible to depressurize the reactors and assess their internal states.
FORBES: Explainer: What Caused The Incident At Fukushima-Daiichi
Putting yourself in a situation where you can do so while at the same time being able to take advantage of option premium decay is an interesting concept.