He said he was "very pleased" that ministers have made provisions to decentralise decision-making from Brussels.
In fiscal matters, Mr Segal is close behind: he wants to cut taxes and decentralise government.
Nick Clegg said the City Deals were part of efforts to rebalance the economy and decentralise powers.
DPJ's most powerful attack on the bureaucracy involved proposals to decentralise spending by granting more autonomy to local governments.
No one in Kiev seems prepared to decentralise power to the regions, where the best hope for reform may lie.
To cater to this, the large multinationals of today will have to further decentralise processes and structures and become multi-local.
At the heart of the original web is technology to decentralise control and make access to information freely available to all.
The change in government offered the chance to decentralise power and put local people "back in the driving seat", he said.
Big cities decentralise as they grow, creating more jobs outside the centre.
Ministers say City Deals will rebalance the economy and decentralise powers.
The board was created in 1969 with seven members (two appointed by the mayor, one by each of the five borough presidents) to decentralise power and increase community participation.
Mr Livingstone says his other key ambition as mayor, apart from congestion charging, is to reassure Mr Blair that it is sensible to decentralise power and to move towards regional government.
Mr Pickles has been at the forefront of the government's efforts to decentralise power - and has fought a series of high-profile battles with quango and council bosses over alleged extravagance with public money.
The Kremlin's tepid agreement to decentralise power and bring back elections of governors, made to mollify the December protesters, means politics is likely to get more regional, allowing some parts of Russia to develop faster than others.
Restoring local-government powers, especially in cities, not only fits with Labour's desire to decentralise, but could make it easier to achieve better local solutions to the planning problems which the unexpected revival of cities are bound to create.