In February he settled charges of deceptive advertising with the Federal Trade Commission, without admitting liability.
The problem of deceptive advertising may only get worse as the use of herbal remedies grows.
It includes the Bureau of Consumer Protection, which monitors false and deceptive advertising.
The refunds announced Tuesday stem from a case originally filed in 2010 against NBTY for making false and deceptive advertising claims about their nutritional supplements.
In June, the company agreed to alter the marketing of the product after the Arthritis Foundation complained that the company had been engaged in deceptive advertising.
The Federal Trade Commission also helps ensure that companies are not engaging in deceptive advertising practices, but advertising restrictions are easily circumvented with creative marketing and wording that implies a specific health benefit.
With acceptance bordering on naivete, he accepts the arguments of plaintiff lawyers that the six representative smokers began huffing on lights because of deceptive advertising by Philip Morris, a unit of Altria Group.
Frustrated with manufacturers' repeated claims, the nonprofit Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission in 2006 against Brainy Baby and Baby Einstein, charging the companies with false and deceptive advertising.
"Dell has engaged in repeated misleading, deceptive and unlawful business conduct, including false and deceptive advertising of financing promotions and the terms of warranties, fraudulent, misleading and deceptive practices in credit financing and failure to provide warranty service and rebates, " Justice Joseph C.
That feels like false, and dangerously deceptive, advertising.
Tiffany and Company alleges trademark infringement, counterfeiting, unfair competition, injury to business reputation, false advertising and deceptive business practices.
In the lawsuit, Gifford claims that the USGBC has engaged in deceptive trade practices, false advertising and anti-trust in promoting the LEED certification program.
FORBES: Energy-hogging LEED-certified buildings cause concern
Koch, a yachtsman who won the America's Cup in 1992, had accused Eric Greenberg of fraudulent misrepresentation, fraudulent concealment, deceptive business practices and false advertising.
By coincidence, the central bank on Monday approved a new rule designed to protect consumers from deceptive lending practices, including advertising practices that say interest rates are fixed when in fact they're not.
The FTC has tried and tried again to restrict advertising of "deceptive" diet products, but there is a case to be made that all diets are deceptive in that they tend not to work for long.
Yesterday, the FTC held a workshop on deceptive weight-loss product advertising and its impact on public health, and the commission chairman turned up the heat by pressing cable channels, newspapers and magazines to screen and reject the ads--suggesting they could be sued if they don't.
The move comes after New York State Judge Joseph Teresi ruled that the PC maker had engaged in "misleading, deceptive and unlawful business conduct, " that included false advertising, fraudulent financing schemes, and failure to provide warranty services and rebates.