Richard Wagoner Jr. has been raising the decibel level of his complaints about health care costs.
So maybe it's appropriate that the band Decibel named the very best of 2006 is called Mastodon.
Barnum of dB Drag is Wayne Harris, an entrepreneur who also sells the decibel meters used in competitions.
That is roughly 0.3% of the power of the 180-decibel cut-off point that the operational system would have.
ECONOMIST: The American navy may soon have a whale of a problem
The band pairs this with reverberating guitars to give the track a dream-pop expansiveness that benefits from high-decibel listening.
But the political debates about interrogation reached a new decibel level yesterday when the CIA was accused of misleading Congress.
There is so much noise in Washington that those who want to break through sometimes feel compelled to keep boosting the decibel level.
But here -- whether it's 4 in the afternoon or 4 in the morning -- you still have the same intense decibel level.
That's still nowhere near the numbers Metallica sold in its heyday, but according to Albert Mudrian of Decibel, something crucial has happened within the genre.
The reduction in performance on these tasks associated with a 25-decibel hearing loss (classified as "mild") was equivalent to an ageing effect of seven years in cognitive abilities.
His group has also chased down trucks and buses that ignore a government ban on musical pressurized horns, which can be almost twice the decibel level of a car horn, anti-honking activists say.
On Wednesday , the Commons opens (at 11.30am) with half an hour of Northern Ireland questions, followed by prime minister's questions, where, post Eastleigh, the attitude and decibel level of Conservative MPs will be closely monitored.
Expect China to continue its policy of a gradual appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar, and the decibel level of the rhetoric from the Obama administration on the value of the renminbi to be substantially reduced in the months ahead.