"The student body just wants to feel involved and engaged in this decision-making process, " she said.
And on the same scale, where should the decision-making process be in the new company?
So far, the Internet decision-making process, like the Internet itself, has been remarkably robust.
The first and only way to begin the decision-making process is to grab your calculator.
The News Corp. executive also defended Mr. Hunt's handling of the regulatory decision-making process.
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The reason: weather forecasts are frequently unavailable at sufficiently localized scales to inform the decision-making process.
To that end, the ultimate effect on credit quality may influence the decision-making process.
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Pattern recognition is the phrase I hear most often among VCs when describing their decision-making process.
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The Surrey Libraries Action Movement (Slam) is seeking a judicial review of the council's decision-making process.
He said "a general risk of disclosure would do serious harm" to the decision-making process.
The Council represents the role of our member states in the EU decision-making process.
Ms Hart said the new panel would increase patient and public engagement in a difficult decision-making process.
The answer: Simplify the decision-making process, so much so that consumers actually think less about the decision.
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The Dunfermline and West Fife MP also said there needed to be clarity over the decision-making process.
Some companies have made pay public and have actively gotten employees involved in the pay decision-making process.
The broadcast networks' continued viewership declines along with a recessionary marketplace factored into the decision-making process as well.
From a statistical perspective, Snow wants to add value to the front office without clouding the decision-making process.
It simply never achieves the prominence in their decision-making process that it does for the rest of us.
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But this can mean that those who are more forceful and persuasive may influence the group decision-making process.
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The participants were also told whether they had high status or high power going into the decision-making process.
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And since anybody can gain access to all proposals and e-mail discussions, the decision-making process is hard to manipulate.
The decision was unanimous and was an attempt to streamline the decision-making process.
Private equity investing poses the greatest risk of politicization of the investment decision-making process of any form of investing.
The challenge is to know how much information and analysis is needed for each step in a decision-making process.
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To allow them to contribute to the regulatory decision-making process would be preposterous.
Around 49 percent said that they have some influence in the decision-making process.
The decision-making process is over almost as quickly as the situation is framed.
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It is fair to say that the ensuing decision-making process leaves the credibility of the review process in tatters.
If that means lower growth and a slower decision-making process, so be it.
It is merely accepted as a part of the decision-making process that clients and their lawyers go through every day.