On April 3rd he decisively lost Maryland, Washington, DC and Wisconsin, his wife's home state.
This fund is purely thematic, and from a geographic perspective, An is decisively Asian biased.
Neither Congress nor the FCC will move decisively without a determined push from the White House.
Surakiart, a trusted adviser of Banharn's, has shown he can act decisively when it suits him.
He surged in the last few weeks before the primary and he decisively beat those challengers.
If officials grapple with the Portugal issue early, and decisively, they could avoid the iceberg.
He was referring to a 16th Century battle when Spanish colonial fighters defeated indigenous fighters decisively.
The last time the global economy tumbled, Chinese leaders took action, decisively and quickly.
Yet after an expensive and often heated campaign voters decisively rejected it 56 to 44 percent.
Stunned, the California legislature decisively moved away from the system a couple of years ago.
But while football and most other sports were finally facing the problem decisively, Selig dithered.
"As president, I intend to act quickly and decisively to promote growth and opportunity, " McCain said.
These measures are hailed as evidence that the EU can act decisively in a crisis.
In recent years Huawei has decisively dispelled any doubts that it can provide state-of-the-art communications equipment.
The Pakistani government is under intense pressure to act decisively against militants operating on its soil.
German voters, unwilling to choose decisively one side over the other, may end up backing neither.
The thought that it might act decisively spooked the bond market a little in January.
Rarely does history settle such debates as decisively and mercilessly as it has this one.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What Undid the Middle East 'Peace Process'
Recent history shows that boards can indeed decisively minimize the damage when CEOs misbehave.
This election tips the balance of power decisively into the Republican corner in Washington.
Will Mr Wahid be prepared to step aside sufficiently to let the new cabinet operate decisively?
There have been times in American history when public opinion decisively altered, never to go back.
George (would have been) dead if he had not acted decisively and instantaneously in that moment.
Zimbabwe needed to act decisively to improve its finances and to restore law and order, he said.
Still, there are other factors that may influence the pace and outcome of this conflict more decisively.
The court said clearly and decisively that employment law only rarely permits quotas to remedy racial imbalance.
If the IPCC wants to remain a relevant institution, it needs to act now and act decisively.
On the contrary, our ability to think and act decisively with the future in mind has diminished.
Wall Street cheered today as Federal Reserve policymakers moved decisively to address concerns about the economy's health.
That is why the United States must act decisively to repudiate the ICC, rather than join it.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ambulance-chasing, from Kabul to Gaza