Instead of a desktop where you pile up windows, we imaged a deck of cards... let me show you.
In one episode, he gets many volunteers to look through a deck of cards for the card they started with.
The super-compact and ultra-lightweight PENTAX Q10, barely larger than a deck of cards, offers digital-SLR-quality photography for photographers of all levels.
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"He's playing with a different mental deck of cards, and it shows, " said Weekes, a former goaltender with the Rangers and Devils.
Both of these are right around the size of a deck of cards, and no software installation is required to get 'em working.
Confidence lives in stranger places than the deck of cards.
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He shuffled jockeys like a deck of cards and balanced the competing demands of those owners, all the while never taking his eye off the ball or the business.
Aziz, was number 43 on the list of the 55 most wanted Iraqis and was the eight of spades in the deck of cards being circulated by coalition troops.
Drives shriveled down to desk size, then to desktop size, then the size of a fat dictionary, followed by a thin paperback, a deck of cards and now just a single card or chip.
For example, whether or not you pick a spade from a deck of cards is independent of what you picked previously if you replace the card you pick, but is not if you don't.
Khandush is not one of the 55 most-wanted Iraqis from the deck of cards listing the top regime figures sought by the United States, but he is named on a longer, unpublished list of wanted Iraqi leaders.
The earliest known visiting cards were the same size as the deck of playing cards.
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Another figure yet to be apprehended is Mr Hussein himself, along with most of the top henchmen and -women in the deck of pictorial cards the Americans have produced to aid identification of the guiltiest.
In the case of the trading cards, for example, Upper Deck sold 92% of its golf cards in the U.S. The video games that Goosen endorsed had a U.S. market share of 70%.
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Had Mexico stamped its most-wanted list on a deck of playing-cards like the one used in Iraq, the pack would now look a lot thinner.
In poker, making an inside straight requires you to catch one of 4 cards out of 48 remaining in the deck, the chances of which are about 8 percent.
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For example, in the game of blackjack, players may try to count cards to keep track of the deck and determine whether the dealer or the player has the probable advantage.
From an American perspective, Alfa Romeo is one of the wild cards that got thrown into the deck when Fiat acquired the carcass of Chrysler from the U.S. government in 2009.
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Without detailing all of the math, this is an easy decision: only play in single deck games where at least 50% of the cards are being dealt.
Players are forced into making decisions on each piece of gear, and how the cards associated with each piece will synergize with the rest of the deck, both for that individual character and the rest of the party.
The event cards are placed in a separate deck outside of the main and are placed automatically during gameplay, and can be used to either augment a deck strategy or attempt to disrupt a popular archetype.
The House of Representatives is the big deck in which lurk many wild cards awaiting the right moment to be dealt.
Most people decide to make their guesses about the deck where they know there's an even mix of red and blue cards.
Passengers passed the hours playing cards, walking the deck and going to see what was happening on other areas of the ship, Poret said.