The body of Carmelita Stevens, Murphy's girlfriend, was found in a state of decomposition.
It is caused by the bacterial decomposition of organic matter that has died and sunk to the bottom.
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However, tests that might have revealed unusual or volatile poisons were ruled out by the decomposition of the body.
Across the farm, there were numerous animal carcasses in various states of decomposition.
In mammals, the structure of many of these decomposition products - with evocative names such as cadaverine - is known.
BBC: Hidden graves found using chemical 'sniffer' technology
So the corpse is to be exhumed before (it is hoped) any evidence it might carry is lost through decomposition.
In the bedroom of the apartment, officers discovered the body of a woman "in a state of decomposition, " the statement said.
The experts are still trying to identify a further 10, 000 remains, but their advanced state of decomposition makes it a slow task.
The formaldehyde-based fluid plasticizes the proteins within the body and fights against the bacteria that otherwise would lead to its decomposition, he said.
They will measure the amount of carbon, phosphate and nitrate in the soil, together with the rate of plant growth and microbial decomposition.
Avoid just putting a rock on top as it slows decomposition.
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That practice slows decomposition, but it also further contaminates the river.
The decomposition of Williams' body was hastened by the fact it was in a top floor apartment, where the temperature soared in the summer heat.
Their detection technique accurately spotted the presence of the cadavers, at times ranging up to 20 weeks after burial - the decomposition process eventually exhaust the supply of proteins.
BBC: Hidden graves found using chemical 'sniffer' technology
He also said the rate of decomposition for bags varied depending on the environment they were left in and therefore a single date for labelling would be hard to determine.
"It will be an unknown location in the open desert, " he said, adding that a burial was needed because decomposition of the body had reached the point where the "corpse cannot last any longer".
He said because of the decomposition of the body the informed cause of death was unascertainable but taking into account the case as a whole, some kind of suffocation or chest compression was most likely.
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To make maggot cheese you start with a slab of local sheep cheese, pecorino sardo, but then let it go beyond normal fermentation to a stage most would consider infested decomposition (because, well, it is).
Last year a Dutch study found that draining Indonesian swamps to make way for oil-palm plantations resulted in 33 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions for each tonne of palm oil produced, by speeding up the decomposition of the peaty soil.