As counterpoint to this argument, I deconstruct the myth of China as a superpower.
Many sew everything no glue allowed which means they can always deconstruct the hats to clean, refurbish and reshape them.
Our students are eager to deconstruct the failures involved and to study the way regulation will impact the banking and finance industries.
You don't have to be a professor of semiotics to deconstruct this presentation into layers upon layers of hidden messages and shifty signifiers.
We analyze the latest offerings in college savings plans ( p. 200) and deconstruct the complex rules for getting tax benefits for children.
In the end, I think the Millennial generation will deconstruct several of the traditional business models and have far more horizontal management then vertical.
As we innovate over here, we disrupt and deconstruct over there.
FORBES: The PC Killers: Creative Destruction and the Social Revolution
When you deconstruct the formula, it's a simple, foolproof approach to getting dressed that, with a few small tweaks and some updating, we could all benefit from.
There are similar problems with another theory about the future of the firm: that information technology will slowly but surely deconstruct the company as we know it.
But before this vision could be realized, she recognized the need to deconstruct the raw costs of their services and report that detailed cost-information back to the business.
To solve these types of Turing tests, someone will just deconstruct the steps required and program a bot to recognize what it needs to do and perform whatever inputs are required.
FORBES: Artificial Intelligence Will Defeat CAPTCHA -- How Will We Prove We're Human Then?
As odd as it may seem to deconstruct any well-intended endeavor, many older activists dismiss Millennials as slackavists for their preference towards digital advocacy rather than hitting (or sitting on) the pavement.
FORBES: Are Millennials Lazy Or Avant-Garde Social Activists?
"The angle of the shot showed the architecture of Venice in the reflection on the water and then when the hand went to grasp the object the ripples caused the architecture to deconstruct, " he added.
He would have to deconstruct the copy by considering the purpose of each mark in terms of the problems of drawing from life, and then reconstruct the original on another sheet of paper as it would originally have been made.
FORBES: The Case Of The Art Forger Who Restored Dead Painters' Careers [Book Excerpt]
Some will of course complain about the ferocious way that private equity firms sometimes deconstruct companies purchased, but far from a bad thing, it should be remembered that the source of their capital is frequently YOU through your pension or your investment account.
FORBES: Book Review: Jason Kelly Writes About "The New Tycoons" of Private Equity
Amazon Mechanical Turk used to be a popular one, but now a number of independent sites are around, such as Death by CAPTCHA. Clever hacks have even been developed for audio CAPTCHAs that merely deconstruct waveform shapes to identify what numbers are being spoken.
FORBES: Artificial Intelligence Will Defeat CAPTCHA -- How Will We Prove We're Human Then?
Steven Schwarcz, a professor at Duke University and writer on securitisation, has come across contracts which are so convoluted that it would be impractical for investors to try to understand them: they would have to spend more money hiring experts to deconstruct them than they could ever hope to earn in extra returns.