When you deconstruct the formula, it's a simple, foolproof approach to getting dressed that, with a few small tweaks and some updating, we could all benefit from.
There are similar problems with another theory about the future of the firm: that information technology will slowly but surely deconstruct the company as we know it.
As odd as it may seem to deconstruct any well-intended endeavor, many older activists dismiss Millennials as slackavists for their preference towards digital advocacy rather than hitting (or sitting on) the pavement.
To solve these types of Turing tests, someone will just deconstruct the steps required and program a bot to recognize what it needs to do and perform whatever inputs are required.
Some will of course complain about the ferocious way that private equity firms sometimes deconstruct companies purchased, but far from a bad thing, it should be remembered that the source of their capital is frequently YOU through your pension or your investment account.