Mr Yanukovych is already talking of changing the law to decriminalise Ms Tymoshenko's alleged offence.
Brazil is poised to vote on whether to decriminalise personal use of all drugs in June.
He wants legislatures, not judges, to decide whether to decriminalise things like abortion, homosexual conduct or assisted suicide.
Prof Savage added that ministers should be debating whether to decriminalise abortion altogether.
BBC: Abortion law: David Cameron has 'no plans' for new rules
Britain's government said it would decriminalise the possession and use of cannabis .
Colombia's Justice Minister, Ruth Stella Correa, has said a new drugs bill would decriminalise personal use of synthetic drugs, such as ecstasy.
"We were one of the last European countries to decriminalise suicide - we were way behind our European counterparts, " Dr Simone says.
"We further urge your government to immediately start a process to decriminalise consensual sex between adults in private irrespective of sexual orientation and gender identity, " the group said.
She is a traditionalist who opposes efforts to decriminalise adultery.
The report called on Syria to "decriminalise peaceful political activity".
Mr Yanukovich could yet pardon Ms Tymoshenko, or decriminalise the offence with which she has been charged (overstepping her authority in a gas deal with Russia she agreed as prime minister in 2009).
ECONOMIST: A country caught precariously between east and west
"In a free vote on the issue on 7 July, the House of Lords rejected an attempt to decriminalise assisted suicide in circumstances where terminally ill people are helped to travel to countries where assisting dying is lawful, " he said.
If the United States could succeed, through democratic debate and legislative action, in agreeing a way to regulate tobacco, it would also take a giant step towards finding a way to decriminalise scores of other addictive and widely-used, though illegal, drugs.