Investors can experiment with strategies like these with whatever portion of their portfolio they dedicate to alternative investments.
As the night became a place for legitimate activity and as that activity increased, the length of time people could dedicate to rest dwindled.
The question, he reckons, is not whether future microprocessors will include reconfigurable logic, but how much of their surface area they will dedicate to it.
In a field with no textbooks and millions of competitors, knowing what resources to dedicate to marketing through online platforms could make or break many businesses.
FORBES: Why 'Tweeting Like Crazy' Doesn't Always Boost The Bottom Line
Working at home, she has a lot more time to dedicate to exercise, cooking and other "self-care stuff" she had put aside when she worked 60 hours a week.
When people have more time to dedicate to the channel, like at the end of their workday, they tend to share and create more thoughtful content on social networks like Facebook and Pinterest.
If all of those acres we dedicate to exports, wheat, corn, soybean--99% of all acres are dedicated to exports in this country--if we convert those to ethanol and biodiesel, we can produce 1 billion barrels of biofuels.
Regardless of age, though, there are certain transgenerational reasons men and women decide to dedicate time to volunteering.
Still, he reasons, it's more efficient to dedicate time to one application than 15 separate applications.
At that same time, we made a conscious decision to dedicate ourselves to find ways to incorporate Latinos students into St.
Parsons said that Turner informed him on Tuesday night of this decision to leave, and that Turner intends to dedicate himself to his many philanthropic efforts.
It was then that I decided to dedicate myself to embracing, improving, and spreading the Watch DOG program throughout our larger community beyond the reach of my campus.
Besides, is Nokia really going to dedicate staff to Android development when its more advanced Ovi Maps still aren't available on its much touted Maemo MeeGo mobile computing platform?
ENGADGET: Nokia's Ovi Maps headed to Windows Mobile and Android? (update: no way)
She hopes that once the misconceptions are cleared, women will celebrate espnW. She pointed out that ESPN chose to dedicate funds to creating a place just for female consumers.
For Fujiyama, who deferred medical school to dedicate himself to his mission in Honduras, the lifestyle is a far cry from private practice, but he says he loves what he is doing.
Facing such a market, students are forced to dedicate months to the job search, and fear that delaying or being unable to begin the search while abroad will substantially reduce chances of being hired by a large, prestigious company.
After decades spent fine-tuning their professional skills, these retirees are looking to dedicate effort to the causes and programs they care about, whether it s mentoring children, caring for the elderly or pitching in to help out after a natural disaster strikes.
"It wasn't easy to get them to work and dedicate themselves to the task at hand, " said Mr. Baca.
Smit was also keen to dedicate the win to the long-suffering South Africa fans.
Because of this, I decided to dedicate an exhibition to looking at evil through the ages.
"I gave up my work to dedicate my life to my son and his talent, " my father continued.
Maybe one of them will even be a young boy who'll grow up to dedicate his life to conservation projects.
And the 44-year-old Italian took time to dedicate the victory to his late mother, who passed away exactly one year ago yesterday.
There is something implied in all of this in social business: you have the freedom to dedicate your time to a shared purpose.
FORBES: Building a Shared-Purpose Organization Requires Job Mobility and Flexibility
In 2011, they came together to dedicate a memorial to their father and their mother, Kokilaben, told reporters: "There is love between the brothers".
"I want to dedicate this fight to the new president of Mexico, but with the condition that he handles his duties well, " Marquez said.
You've made the most profound commitment a person can make -- to dedicate your life to your country, and perhaps give your life for it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Servicemen and Women in Jacksonville, FL | The White House
She began singing lessons at the age of 22, working her way up to conservatory level, then, a decade later, decided to dedicate her life to her passion for opera singing.
UNESCO: House | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
In order to dedicate herself solely to me, she never married, and, in a sweetly sly way, she never let me marry either so as not to have to share her protectorate.
Even fewer will make the choice that I made to dedicate my life to asking big philosophical questions or understanding the way arbitrary intellectual constructs are reinforced by technologies and cultural trends.
FORBES: Colleges Shouldn't Be Jittery About Students Who Are Twittery