• Some taxpayers wind up with a deductible loss on their investment real estate.

    FORBES: Paying for College: Aid Formulas and AGI

  • It sure seemed like a deductible casualty loss to me.

    FORBES: Co-op Owner Wins Casualty Loss Appeal

  • The Revenue Agent allowed the loss, concluding the loss would either be deductible as a bad debt or worthless stock loss. 1 The statute of limitations for assessment under I.

    FORBES: NOL Gives IRS Second Chance to Disallow Deduction

  • Meanwhile--perhaps preparing for a rash of bankruptcies--the IRS last month issued a final rule squelching another ploy that Wall Street tax consultant Robert Willens says had been widely used by those in the know: "abandoning" securities and claiming an ordinary loss, deductible against ordinary income.

    FORBES: Insult to Injury

  • If a taxpayer can't use the whole loss the year in which it becomes deductible, he can carry back the eligible loss to the previous three tax years and claim a refund.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • While the January package referred vaguely to "strengthening the legal and supervisory framework for banking, " the new deal sets minimum capital of 250 billion rupiah and makes loan-loss provisions tax-deductible.

    CNN: Dealing with Jakarta's Debt

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