There are important lessons to be learned from outsiders looking at deep-seated problems with the Scottish economy.
These can be frittered away, or they can be used to tackle deep-seated problems and invest in future growth.
While they still may be in the minority, a growing number of investors are finding that those risks aren't as worrisome anymore when compared with Europe's deep-seated problems.
This reflects serious, deep-seated problems in these economies.
"The Ministry of Defence has made a good start in trying to get to grips with its budget but its deep-seated problems cannot be solved overnight, " said Margaret Hodge, the Labour MP who chairs the committee.
Yet if they are failing to tackle deep-seated problems across the province, such as segregation in housing and education, they are leading by example: their political co-operation has gone hand in hand with remarkably improved personal relations.
And they're looking back and they're saying this dates back so many years, that a disputed election was just the catalyst, that we need to address things like ethnicity, power, privilege, equality - these are the deep-seated problems that Kenya has to deal with.
Brazil's striking recent success at combating inflation may not last: it has yet to solve its deep-seated fiscal problems.
Lula's government is widely credited with stabilising Brazil's rickety economy, pulling it back into surplus, working to reform pensions and beginning to tackle deep-seated social problems.
What ails the euro are Euroland's deep-seated structural problems.
Maybe one of the reasons that set me on perhaps my misinformation is the fact that you did work with William Kristol, and there seems to be that notion, you know, that somehow flowers were going to be laying in our path if we went into Iraq and so forth, not understanding the deep-seated cultural problems were there.
The review will aim to find radical solutions to "long-standing and deep-seated" educational problems in deprived areas.
It also quoted an official as saying that China had "deep-seated food safety problems" that needed to be resolved.
"These numbers illustrate deep-seated and fundamental problems in market access and a heavily one-sided trading relationship that can be expected only to undercut support for the agreement far beyond the automotive sector, " the leaders said.
Other problems reflect deep-seated religious and ethnic antagonisms.
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Of course, Europe's problems are more deep-seated than America's, thanks to the principal flaw in the euro's design: that it is a single currency operating in a continent without fiscal union.
But Ive said it was not uncommon for Apple to scrap "incredibly compelling" devices at the production stage if they were not considered game changing, or the design problems were considered deep-seated.
David Vikturek, who runs The Music Man heritage centre in Mason City, believes that the traditional Iowan virtues of neighbourliness, thrift and hard work will somehow help America prevail, even in a world where its economic problems are complex and deep-seated.
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