But oil producers were happy to build (or buy) deep-water drilling platforms when those fields seemed economical.
Moreover, the role of deep-water circulation on the growth and distribution of ferromanganese nodules is still under debate.
Many oppose the moratorium imposed on offshore deep-water drilling by the Obama administration in the wake of the spill.
The deep-water wells that EPA drilled are located near a natural gas reservoir.
Even with all current deep-water projects going forward full blast, the oil market is anticipated to be extremely tight.
Earth resources: next to turbidite systems, also contourites may generate well-sorted deep-water sands.
After the BP oil spill, the administration put a moratorium on an already anemic record of approving deep-water drilling permits.
This exclusive 450 acre country club community in South Florida, has 700 estates, many on deep-water and golf course lots.
FORBES: Royal Palm Yacht and Country Club, Boca Raton, Florida
The U.S. Interior Department's royalty rate for deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is 18.75%--up from 12.5% two years ago.
But deep-water projects take a long time to turn from a prospect that a geologist has identified into a producing asset.
Until recently, oil and gas produced from deep-water fields have been brought to the surface and transported to onshore processing facilities.
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Another trend: it seems that every new collection includes at least one model with a deep-water-blue face and matching alligator strap.
Shell has announced investments in a number of projects including a deep-water project in Nigeria and an oil recovery project in Oman.
BBC: Royal Dutch Shell chief executive Peter Voser to retire
Other energy companies are doing much the same, focusing the booming domestic drilling and also high-risk drilling operations at deep-water drill sites.
Even producing from Angola's deep-water blocks stretches the limits of existing technology.
However, both economically as well as for the large scientific and public community, the processes and products of deep-water circulation remain poorly known.
Safe to say that the Department of Defense does not have a submersible with arms to shut off the valve of a deep-water oil well.
WHITEHOUSE: Aboard Air Force One En Route Andrews Air Force Base
President Obama also announced a moratorium on all deep-water drilling projects.
The end of the deep-water ban was announced earlier this month.
's chief executive said last week that he expects to add new barrels of oil to its reserves from "several major deep-water projects" in future years.
Despite their importance to our nation as a source for economic and natural resources, we know very little about deep-water habitats in the Gulf of Mexico.
It is now preparing to list its deep-water port holdings in Hong Kong and China in Singapore, in what may be the nation's biggest public offering ever.
There was a lot of verbiage tossed around about the dangers of deep-water drilling, that no one had any experience with this kind of thing, yada, yada, yada.
That said, many of the newly identified deposits are located in the central North Sea or to the west of Scotland, and will require deep-water drilling which is expensive.
FORBES: North Sea Oil and Gas may Provide One Third of Britain's Energy by 2020.
And in the immediate wake of the disaster, it seemed like it might change everything, as a moratorium was imposed on deep-water drilling in the U.S. in May 2010.
In return for Nicaraguan agricultural goods, Iran is to help fund a farm equipment factory, 4, 000 tractors, five milk-processing plants, a health clinic, 10, 000 houses and a deep-water port.
Based upon the success of the first Deep-Water Circulation congress in Baiona (16-18 June 2010), an initiative has been developed to start an International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) on Contourites.
Ecosystems and environmental change: over the past decade it has become clear that most of the deep-water ecosystems (cold-water corals) are highly influenced by the presence of deep-water circulation.
This incident may show that deep-water drilling is too risky, but it might instead be just a perfect storm of ineffective regulation, poor decision-making, and bad luck, with minimal chance of recurrence.
Advanced technologies have made it possible to not just extract more oil from conventional sources previously thought tapped, but frack and deep-water drill in spots not even thought of 20 years ago.