The fidgety defector, 20-year-old Ahmed al-Latouf, said he had served as an army mortar man.
Activists also say that Hussein Harmoush, a prominent defector who had fled to Turkey, was kidnapped.
ECONOMIST: Defections from Bashar Assad��s armed forces are growing
So, if Iraq is concealing something nasty, perhaps only a defector will provide conclusive proof.
The latest Google defector is Ethan Beard, who plans to leave his post as the Mountain View, Calif.
Meanwhile, another defector, Gen Manaf Tlas, has put himself forward as a possible figure to unite the fractious opposition.
The defector said that he had scars on his forehead from the incident.
Consequently, when Cao Cao's army sees the defector's ship heading toward them, they do not do anything about it.
The Cuban defector, a two-time gold medalist believed to have fought over 400 amateur bouts, landed 129 of 396 punches.
The Cuban defector was reunited with his family members earlier this year.
HARDtalk got the first Western television interview with the most senior defector from the Assad regime in Syria, former Prime Minister Riad Hejab.
The smoking gun may have been delivered by an Iranian defector named Abdolghassem Mesbahi, a former senior member of the Iranian Revolutionary Council.
Like ViaVideo, Polycom had been started by a defector from the videoconferencing industry -- Chief Executive Brian Hinman was a cofounder of PictureTel.
Like ViaVideo, Polycom had been started by a defector from the videoconferencing industry -- Chief Executive Brian Hinman had been a cofounder of PictureTel.
The opposition meetings in Istanbul come two days after a top military defector said armed rebel groups have aligned under the leadership of the Free Syrian Army.
In testimony to Argentinean authorities, the defector claimed that Mugniyah had been one of the senior planners behind the attack in Buenos Aires, along with Iranian intelligence.
The latest Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) defector is Ethan Beard, who plans to leave his post as the Mountain View, Calif.
"However, the JIC was prepared to rely on a single source because the official was a senior figure in Mr Hussein's regime, not a defector, " the paper said.
The British government has been accused of relying on information given by an "unreliable" source of the U.S., an Iraqi defector with contacts with the Iraqi opposition movement.
The other court challenge in 1985 involved Julie Christofferson-Titchbourne, a defector who argued that the church had falsely claimed that Scientology would improve her intelligence, and even her eyesight.
An FBI source told CNN that the agency is investigating Cuban defector Juan Pablo Roque as a possible conspirator in the shoot-down, which killed two men on each plane.
If one testifies for the prosecution against the other (defects) and the other remains silent (cooperates), the defector goes free and the silent accomplice receives the full one-year sentence.
FORBES: Cheating In College Athletics And The Prisoner's Dilemma
Kim said South Korean radar had a "blind spot" in the area and South Korean troops were unaware the defector was fleeing until he almost reached the North Korean side.
In just the last weeks, WikiLeaks defector Daniel Domscheit-Berg announced his spinoff OpenLeaks, and half a dozen other likeminded leak projects have launched including IndoLeaks, BalkanLeaks, BrusselsLeaks, and Tunisia-focused TuniLeaks.
FORBES: Why Isn't WikiLeaks A Wiki? Spam-Clogged Copycat TradeLeaks Demonstrates
Another Cuban defector, geophysicist Tose Oro, observed that the complete absence of the sophisticated human and technological infrastructure needed to support a safe nuclear reactor program seriously compounded the risks inherent in the Soviet-Cuban scheme.
As a rookie last season, the Cuban defector batted .292 with 23 home runs and 82 RBIs in 129 games, finishing runner-up to the Los Angeles Angels' Mike Trout for AL Rookie of the Year.
In 1995, as a result of another defector, we find out that, after his invasion of Kuwait, Saddam Hussein had initiated a crash program to build a crude nuclear weapon in violation of Iraq's U.N. obligations.
Five years ago, a Cuban airforce defector in a MIG-29 fighter aircraft -- flying undetected until outside Key West, Florida -- confirmed that he had trained to attack the Turkey Point nuclear power facility in South Florida.
This past March the Swiss daily Neue Zuercher Zeitung reported that Iranian defector Ali Reza Asghari, who before his March 2007 defection to the US served as a general in Iran's Revolutionary Guards and as deputy defense minister, divulged that Iran paid for the North Korean facility.