There is a fund separate from the defence budget called "the reserve" which could be raided.
Ms Siddiqa defines military business as any capital appropriated by soldiers outside the defence budget.
They will also be watching Uganda's defence budget carefully and, by implication, Uganda's involvement in Congo.
Over the past 20 years the base defence budget has averaged 3.3% of GDP.
The cleaver was a reference to Mr Panetta's term for spending cuts threatening the US defence budget.
BBC: Leon Panetta given plastic meat cleaver as parting gift
He said the defence budget was experiencing its longest period of sustained real growth for more than 30 years.
More importantly, the country's defence budget for 2013-14 has moderately increased by 4.5%, which is below the current inflation rate.
The Conservatives, Mr Hoon said, had cut army numbers, scrapped regiments, cut troops' medical support and cut the defence budget.
For Lockheed that is slightly awkward: neither America's defence budget nor Lockheed's share of it is likely to grow much.
But it warns it will need to treble its flood defence budget by 2035 to maintain current levels of protection.
"Its costs are vastly over-stated by its opponents, amounting only to 0.5% of the defence budget over its lifetime, " he told MPs.
But he said the SDSR - which cut billions of pounds from the Ministry of Defence budget - would not be revisited.
"The coalition inherited a defence budget that was over-committed, " says Dr Paul Cornish, head of the international security programme at Chatham House.
Liam Fox has blamed Labour's "toxic" legacy of economic mismanagement for what he says will be inevitable cuts to the defence budget.
The pay rises promised in the new defence budget will also help.
All this will help blunt criticism of Japan in the United States, where it is often accused of free-loading on America's defence budget.
Mr Harrison points out that the base defence budget has not been 4% of GDP since 1992, in the aftermath of the cold war.
The US defence department says it has begun laying off most of its 46, 000 temporary employees, as automatic defence budget cuts loom in March.
Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said it "made sense" to look at areas where defence supports international development "at a time when the defence budget is under pressure".
Without the latter, entitlement programmes will have to be eviscerated, even if, as now looks possible, the defence budget takes a share of the pain.
In next year's comprehensive-spending review, the defence budget will probably rise.
The project - which would have created 2, 000 jobs - was axed as the UK government announced cuts of up to 8% in the defence budget.
He slashed the defence budget and deferred by a year Australia's plan to raise foreign aid, from 0.35% of gross national income to 0.5% by 2015.
During his tenure, he has struggled against automatic spending cuts to the defence budget totalling billions of dollars, a process he frequently likened to a meat cleaver.
BBC: Leon Panetta given plastic meat cleaver as parting gift
The mooted increase is not large - the defence budget for the year ending in March 2012 stood at 4.65 trillion yen - but it represents a change.
For 10 years, Japan's defence budget has been gradually declining.
And it said hitting future targets was dependent on achieving savings elsewhere in the defence budget, including in the reduction in the number of serving personnel and civilian staff.
But to achieve reasonable scale despite a relatively small national defence budget, and to compete with rivals many times its size, IAI has been obliged to chase foreign sales.