Lewis Perling, a defense attorney for the Atlanta-based credit bureau, declined to comment on the litigation.
Others, such as criminal defense attorneys or federal public defenders, might respond: welcome to federal court.
There is no indication that new Defense Secretary Robert Gates disagrees with the Somalia operation this week.
He is more in the mold of the Pentagon's pragmatists: Gates and Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.
It opens up the possibility of a defense of markets that is, as it were, more marketable.
Mullen is not considered one of the brainy futurists or crusaders who once surrounded Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
The attack came on the last morning of a two-day visit by U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
But his account faltered when defense lawyers forced him to admit to past mistakes and lies.
Rand sought to provide an individualistic and moral defense of capitalism--not a practical and collectivist one.
Troops turned the case over to the Mexican attorney general's office, the defense ministry said.
CNN: Will new video convince Mexican judge to free U.S. mom?
That would provide a legal defense for not responding to petitions, a get-out-of-jail-free card.
FORBES: Endangered Species Accord Calls a Truce In The Wildlife Wars
And in June the Supreme Court will vote on the Defense of Marriage Act.
The White House confirmed that the exchange came after a discussion about the missile-defense shield.
Russia also reportedly has sold six S-300 air defense systems to Syria under a 2010 contract.
It rebuffed efforts by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to develop a next-generation nuclear warhead.
The other thing Butler does so sneakily well on defense is even more basic.
Esterline Technologies Corporation is a specialized engineering and manufacturing company principally serving aerospace and defense markets.
This is not to argue that there should be no future cuts in defense spending.
There's no doubt that Secretary Bolton has been blunt and combative in defense of his perspectives.
Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein will go on defense yet again Tuesday.
FORBES: Blankfein: SEC Case Filing 'One Of The Worst Days In My Professional Life'
He never weighed for us the relative merits of the defense cuts, the entitlements cuts etc.
FORBES: It's A Spending Problem; A Jobs Problem; A Debt Problem
Finally, Washington should stop treating the defense budget as a form of foreign aid.
FORBES: The Proper Post-Election Agenda: Cut Spending, Then Taxes
For years, much of the Washington press corps has served as this White House's front-line defense.
Fluor is the largest publicly traded engineering company and a big Department of Defense supplier.
FORBES: The Engineers -- Fluor and KBR -- a Saner Play on Natural Gas?
Defense analysts have speculated in the past that the Sentinel, built by Lockheed Martin Corp.
And now we need to discuss and cooperate on various aspects on European missile defense.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with President Medvedev of Russia | The White House
And two days later the authorities sent the Bahrain Defense Force (BDF) into the hospital.
Officials at SAIC say they were told by the Defense Department to hire her.
In February, defense contractor Blackwater Worldwide changed its name to the neutral-sounding Xe (pronounced "Zee").
The troops were scheduled to appear Wednesday, but didn't show, according to a defense attorney.
CNN: Arizona mom turns to scripture to survive in Mexican jail