Traditionally, deferential youths sprinkle scented water on their elders in exchange for a new year's blessing.
They are used to deferential and respectful, rather than adversarial relationships with their teachers.
Or should autopilot cars (with special running lights) be especially deferential to their inferior human counterparts?
Maybe we were there simply to show deferential regard, standing quietly in the presence of the dead.
Younger blacks were particularly unhappy with Jasper's black leaders, who, they said, were too deferential to whites.
Deferential Mr Singh, who might once have been expected to spearhead any reform efforts, turns 80 this year.
These new strategies present unknown and unprecedented challenges to regulators, and these new challenges call for a deferential approach.
FORBES: Correcting Herb Kohl (And Kayak And Bing Travel ...) On Google/ITA
Though deferential and solicitous to her male colleagues, they openly questioned Amanda's decisions.
Forty years ago political parties could still count on a mostly deferential media.
In all poor countries, city-dwellers are better informed, and less deferential, than peasants.
The Palms now moves with a fluid grace--none of that "overly deferential Aman stuff, " as one well-traveled guest put it.
Executives, meanwhile, admit that the boot-camp approach that serves so well in China may not suit less deferential workers elsewhere.
Lord Cranborne was reportedly peeved that Mr Hague was not sufficiently deferential towards him after Mr Hague won the Tory leadership.
Sheikh Muhammad may need to be more deferential to his fellow ruler.
You can show deference to someone, you can be polite, you can be deferential, but those people have to earn their own respect.
Mousy and deferential, he keeps money hidden under the floorboards and, inside his uniform, an even more precious secret: he is a woman.
Under the circumstances, legislators may feel pressured to be deferential and to keep their questions more limited in scope and superficial rather than probing.
This conservative, hagiographic documentary is both a wistful, deferential tribute to the forever-young Dylan and a sad admission that Scor-sese, in effect, has always been old.
The Earl of Grantham, the owner of Downton Abbey, is deferential to the Duke of Crowborough merely because the latter was born higher in the aristocratic scale.
WSJ: Theodore Dalrymple on the Secret Appeal of Downton Abbey
"Nobody wants a supine, fully deferential BBC - but we do need to see that when the BBC says something, it isn't just recycling gossip, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | BBC outlines post-Hutton reforms
Gradually, and with little help from Rome, the American church is becoming better attuned to a flock that has become less deferential and less inclined to take things on trust.
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Those who have watched his work at the Supreme Court over the past 27 years believe Rehnquist will be far more deferential than he is accustomed to being on his own turf.
I'm regularly amazed, for instance, at the overly-deferential welcome reserved for visiting writers, scholars and polemicists, some of whom are granted a star status here that they could never hope to achieve at home.
There has been a shift in the way people address each other in public places, such as hospitals, from using more deferential terms, such as "sir" and "madam" to more familiar terms that people have imported from their personal relationships.
Although the ADA is deferential to national governments when it comes to the details of implementing their antidumping laws, it does articulate certain minimum standards intended to limit the scope for abuse, such as reaching affirmative findings of dumping when no dumping has occurred or manufacturing punitively high antidumping duty rates, for example.
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