With a deferredannuity, you pay now and hope to accumulate assets through either a variable product that invests in equity mutual funds or a fixed product that offers bond-like returns.
He proceeded to tell me proudly that he had sold more of a certain type of deferredannuity than anyone else in the U.S. Obviously, no matter what his clients need, they get a deferredannuity.
The choice of annuities has long been built into TIAA-CREF retirement plans, and close to 50% of TIAA-CREF participants opt for a guaranteed deferredannuity as an investment option, allocating 40% of their contributions to the option.
They were issued by Manulife (subsequently taken over by John Hancock) and were called Flexible Purchase Payment Deferred Combination Fixed and Variable Annuity Contracts Non- Participating.