That doesn't mean we should change the definition of marriage, which is between a man and a woman.
After we get done with it, there will hopefully be a new definition of low-cost.
Create a uniform definition of child at under age 19 and eliminate the student exception.
And she came of age in a country that entertained a singular definition of women's roles.
He explains why it's important not to have too narrow a definition of bias.
James Harding offers a definition of the "public purpose of journalism" in today's Times leader.
Gender intelligence expert Barbara Annis believes the definition of success for men is simple.
These three young ladies have provided us with the ultimate definition of survival and perseverance.
The Captain, as climbers call it, is the very definition of a Big Wall.
According to the report, juries cannot be given a single straightforward definition of fraud.
It has to do with the definition of marriage as one man, one woman.
But at 40, Paltrow said her definition of what it means to be beautiful has changed.
But before any vote takes place, the commissioners have to decide their definition of a quorum.
The efforts are changing the definition of TV and the business models around it.
Keep them focused on your definition of winning by constantly communicating why you will win.
For Mr. Gates, Surface is part of a quest to expand the definition of the PC.
Founders fit the definition of a composer: they see something no one else does.
Kaptchuk wants to broaden the definition of healing, which is exactly what enrages so many scientists.
It appears that this really is not the definition of contact under Rule 413.
At the post-match ceremony Richie Benaud shared with everyone his definition of a great player.
It provided a gateway to abstract expression, historians say, changing the very definition of art.
Kaspersky limits his definition of cyberwar to the use of cyber weapons to cause physical damage.
Its success stems, in no small part, from its expansion of the definition of opera.
WSJ: At the Houston Grand Opera, It's Alto, Bass, Tenor, Sombrero
But note that the definition of masculine used in the Stanford study is narrow.
Even in the Regs, the definition of what constitutes medical care is quite limited.
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Amid all the marketing hype, the precise definition of "mutual fund supermarket" has fuzzed.
Accordingly, the very definition of constructive receipt relied upon by the Director fails in this case.
But as I mentioned in my last post, the definition of BYOD is fuzzy.
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The priority is not retaining an outdated definition of amateurism at the expense of these teenagers.
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Our definition of compensation includes cash, stock and options awarded since these hands were hired.