Reardon says the first step in defusing conflict is to understand the circumstances.
But President Karzai seemed intent on defusing any tensions with Pakistan stirred by the release of the video.
That would be a gift for China, as would the moral kudos that would flow from defusing regional tension.
Fannie Mae in particular is reputed to be brilliant at defusing political risk.
Also at Ramstein were eight international peacekeepers hurt while they were defusing missiles, an accident that killed five other peacekeepers.
Fife soldier, Warrant Officer Class 2 Iain Martin received a Queen's Commendation for Bravery for his work defusing Improvised Explosive Devices.
Renewed prosperity will let big firms service their debts, defusing these swaps.
Pope Benedict never garnered the media savvy of his predecessor John Paul II, a former actor with a knack for defusing controversy with one-liners.
The rich of early 20th-century America used philanthropy to distribute some of their wealth, salving their consciences as well as defusing some of the criticism.
He was a master at defusing rows caused by over-promising salesmen, the premature release of bug-ridden software or the downright arrogance that Oracle can sometimes demonstrate.
Defusing local opposition to "fracking" to extract gas from rocks deep below the surface is an issue many of the more tactically-adroit MPs are increasingly concerned about.
Yet if national cohesion is to be maintained, Indonesia one day will have to go some way toward defusing the resentments of those regions that feel neglected.
Of course, there may never be any defusing of the ire of someone who is simply peeved that you are making money off your version of their life.
The appointments are part of measures aimed at defusing tension.
Russia has been touting its proposal to produce nuclear fuel for Iran as a way of defusing Western worries that oil-rich Tehran is secretly developing an atomic weapons program.
Officials reported defusing two other bombs around that time, including one found in the basement of the Tibesti Hotel, which is frequented by government officials, foreign delegations and nationals.
They have also been building a dam of hundreds of sand bags around the bomb site to pump water out in preparation for the delicate task of defusing the device.
Despite becoming the first pope to use Twitter, Pope Benedict never garnered the media savvy of his predecessor John Paul II, a former actor with a knack for defusing controversy with one liners.
These steps can help in defusing this issue.
FORBES: Do the Interactions of Pharma With Medical Experts Compromise Health Guidelines?
David Heber wasn't surprised that his son played a key role in defusing the situation, saying Ryan Heber makes a point of getting to know his students -- including the suspected gunman -- on a personal level.
In the past decade, training has focused on the cabin crew's role in defusing a situation to avoid the need for drastic action, such as diverting a plane or calling law enforcement to meet the aircraft, she said.
Horst Lenz, the 56-year-old head of the regional bomb-disposal squad tasked with defusing the devices Sunday, said the bomb is the largest among the hundreds of World War II-era bombs he has tackled since beginning his hair-raising career in 1984.
Jindal's comments come a day after the House passed a bill to permit the government to borrow enough money to avoid a first-time default for at least four months, defusing a looming crisis setting up a springtime debate over taxes, spending and the deficit.
EU-funded seminars constitute a third form of bad welfare and a waste of talent because in most cases they recycle and disseminate public information and knowledge providing income for both, those who give them and those who take them-often the right political clientele-rather than a vehicle for defusing and disseminating genuine knowledge.