Mr. MOHAMMED: (Through translator) It's important that the border be delineated because every person should take their right.
That book delineated her childhood and the nomadic life of her semi-homeless, semi-crazy parents.
Assange saw these events in sharply delineated moral terms, yet the footage did not offer easy legal judgments.
They arrived at this statement: Each prioritized task should be carefully delineated, documented and taught to appropriate employees.
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" Without well-delineated volumes, she added, "it's hard to make a room beautiful.
Rule 2111(b) provides an exemption to customer-specific suitability regarding institutional investors if the conditions delineated in that paragraph are satisfied.
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Other locations are smartly delineated by Mimi Lien's set design, including an airy, acrylic rendition of the exterior of the Taylors' house.
In the old days, the frontier of social expectations was well delineated.
With this in mind, the Maastricht Treaty delineated what those limits are if a country wishes to be part of the Euro currency system.
Hierarchical systems find their roots in modernist models of creating systems of certainty and security through highly delineated boundaries of function, structure, order and logic.
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The exception, of course, is that promise by the European Central Bank (ECB) to stand behind eurozone governments in trouble, under certain carefully delineated circumstances.
Even what the cows eat is well documented, with no silage, ever, a diet consisting primarily of vegetation grown in the same carefully delineated Parmigiano-Reggiano region.
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Saito argued that the law of limited liability is not nearly as clearly delineated as in the U.S. This burden of shared risk inordinately skews the risk-reward structure for entrepreneurs in Japan.
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The history of interest rates, written by the late Sidney Homer, once a partner at Solomon Brothers, delineated interest rates then as volatile as in our financial history over the past 50 years.
Given that the press is held in abysmally low regard by the American public, as delineated in survey upon survey, it would be hard to divert taxpayer money without demanding some public accountability.
The unique roles played by physicians, nurses, dentists, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwifes, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, podiatrists, pharmacists, paramedics, psychologists, and optometrists are well known and have clinical duties, delineated by government, associated with them.
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"Only God knows what is in the ground, but what they have delineated so far has been big on tonnage, light on grade, and a lot of it is deep, " says John Ing, a gold analyst at Maison Placements Canada.
The Harbaugh brothers, born only 15 months apart, have been competitors their entire lives, dating back to days in Ann Arbor when they shared a room and drew a line down the middle that clearly delineated whose space was whose.
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Fifteen years later, the birth rate was still high, and although many women came back to work in the nineteen-fifties, segregation by gender in employment was greater than it had been in 1900, and was more sharply delineated than segregation by race.
Acre 121, a small live music venue that opened in 2011, is named for the historical lot (acre 121) that first delineated Columbia Heights, and now means local residents can jam to bluegrass and funk on weekends without having to hop a Metro train downtown.
As well as jumping through all these hoops, to qualify for the partial guarantee (which will be tailor-made for each project) the backers must also be able to demonstrate that they definitely would not be able to go ahead without this carefully delineated government support.
There are delicately delineated competition entries submitted jointly in the 1930s by father and son, including the prize-winning, streamlined, stripped-classical modernist scheme of 1939 for a new Smithsonian art gallery on the Washington Mall, never built because neither the sponsors nor the public were ready for it.
The question is whether the traditional educational profile of the journalist, J-schooled or not, can compete with the ingenuity of the technology companies, the knowledge of emerging expert media (such as Science-Based Medicine) or even the power of government as delineated in a fascinating report by Deloitte, to produce and disseminate not only information but also the tools to interpret that information.