She said she couldn't stand to hear "the devil" demean her sister, almost nine years after her death.
Participants who had both status and power did not greatly demean their partners.
To give these social issues any less credence is to demean our commitment to our own civic commitments as citizens.
It would also demean and squander the sacrifice of the Marines and other personnel who have given their lives to date.
The Labour leader criticised those in the public eye who "abuse the privilege of their celebrity to insult, demean and belittle others".
BBC: Mental illness 'biggest UK health challenge' - Miliband
However Trust spokeswoman Norma Sweeney said that the idea of holding marriage ceremonies at Anne Hathaway's cottage did not demean or diminish Shakespeare.
The tabloid press often failed to show "consistent respect for the dignity and equality of women", and there is a "tendency to sexualise and demean" women.
Mr. Rabin's successor must resist the evident temptation to stifle informed, responsible debate -- and to demean those whose opposing positions give rise to such debate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Real Threat to Israeli Democracy
The Catholic Church criticised the charity's award, saying it revealed "the depth of their intolerance" and a willingness to demean people who do not share their views.
Just weeks after recognizing Radiation Therapy Services as one of America's best small companies, you chose to trivialize and demean us in " Beams and Schemes" (Jan. 8).
These electronic messages demean special days and true thoughtful communication.
Rather than demean who they are and gain from their downfall, the former ER star says she hopes her series will help viewers see that there's often much happening off the public stage.
Ms Bousted also used her speech to criticise Mr Gove's advisers, saying he had given them a "free reign" on Twitter to "insult and demean serious, thoughtful and knowledgeable critics" of his policies.
Will Democratic politicians so anxious to demean George Bush's presidency and seek partisan advantage by pandering to the American people's penchant for ignoring, rather than confronting, emerging threats resist the temptation to embrace Fox Fallon?
He has settled views on the issues dividing the Church - in favour of women bishops, against gay marriage for example - but he will be hard on people who demean their opponents in the Church's impassioned disputes.
Denigrating the United States from a foreign land adds nothing to the domestic debate, and it only serves to demean us in the eyes of those without familiarity with some of the nuances of American policy and politics.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Breaching conventions in statesmanship
Some ways to minimize risk and make the transition as positive as possible are to explain the rationale to the employee to generate buy-in, keep the salary and benefits comparable to the old position and ensure the responsibilities of the new position do not demean the employee.
As a result, however, it is now possible to point to a bipartisan American approach to counter-terrorism. (In a backhanded way, the current administration has in this respect - albeit perhaps in this one only - lived up to its self-congratulatory hype as a purveyor of "post-partisan" policy.) We conservatives should not demean this, for it is significant.