No sexist, racist, demeaning, or otherwise offensive remarks of any kind are allowed on Rize streams.
President Obama has also contributed to the unfolding war by isolating, demeaning and otherwise undermining Israel.
The measure is designed to remove language that has become outdated or demeaning from the US code.
Women have often been portrayed in demeaning or damaging ways on billboards, magazines, television and magazines, he noted.
Talackova said earlier her entry in the competition is about equality, even if some believe pageants are demeaning.
Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters that the president found the comment "outrageous and demeaning to women".
After weeks of denouncing and demeaning each other, bitter rivals ended the invective.
Some board members found him demeaning and confrontational when they dared make suggestions on how to run the company.
They said the tours were demeaning, exploited the poor, and taught them to be dependent on the handouts of others.
They are quitting their demeaning jobs and walking with their heads held high, no longer invisible to those around them.
One sore point for this group is that for some, this country's basic pensions have been meagre, complicated and occasionally demeaning.
After years on the job, they see nothing sinister, tawdry or demeaning about their occupation and consider their lives quite normal.
Most of his party regard that prospect as both demeaning and politically damaging, though that is not necessarily their final word.
It shows how media campaigning is demeaning to left and right alike, and how numbing it can be for the electorate.
Jobs could get away with being demanding, cajoling, and often demeaning to his engineers in a way that Cook simply cannot.
FORBES: Steve Jobs The Buddhist Would Not Have Fired Tim Cook
Pundits have portrayed Obama as an oversharer and a taskmaster, demeaning her husband by acknowledging his morning breath and his body odor.
The Miss Alderney contest is not demeaning to women, says the organiser.
BBC: Miss Alderney contest 'is not demeaning' says organiser
He draws a line however at insulting or demeaning his religious beliefs.
Saudis are averse to taking orders or work they see as demeaning, and imported labour is, on average, 30% cheaper than Saudi manpower.
In my house no one is the servant as we "pick up" after each other and we don't find anything demeaning about it.
All four duos were charged by the federation with not doing their best to win a match and abusing or demeaning the sport.
Secularists had insisted that to do otherwise in either Ms Ladele's or Mr McFarlane's case would be demeaning to gay people, and "retrogressive".
Yet, many other women complained such thinking was demeaning and kept them on a "mother-goddess" pedestal, with their virginity as the touchstone of family honour.
That safeguard could help prevent the demeaning jokes or sexual harassment that would be possible if the scan viewer had direct interaction with the passenger.
FORBES: TSA Genitalia Jokes Bode Badly For Full-Body Airport Scans
And as sometimes demeaning and debasing this process can be, we sometimes easily forget that when politics works, people live better lives and safer lives.
And aside from the dilemma of stereotypical roles, dwarf actors are also in demand to fulfil demeaning roles, such as jumping out of cakes at parties.
According to the Hill, John Conyers said the President called him, concerned that he had made some demeaning comments about him on a certain radio show.
But an agitated Mr Dewar said it was rather demeaning to Dr Reid to say that his continued presence in the Scotland Office was a humiliation.
On Wednesday a High Court in London declined to grant an injunction preventing the screening of a 90-second extract of an "intrusive and demeaning" video featuring Mosley.
For the first time, he said, the defendants had been strip-searched before being brought to the courtroom, a demeaning experience that inflamed their hostility to the process.