Many eras also proclaimed storytelling's demise: the advent of the printing press, radio, television, the Internet.
Despite the predictions of their demise, the mall, both at home and abroad, appears far from finished.
But this was soon after the demise of Enron, and El Paso was first in line for scrutiny.
Futurists have predicted the demise of branches before, and so far have been proved wrong.
Caramadre was setting himself and his clients up to profit from the demise of strangers.
Like Pistorius, Ann Woodward appeared to grieve the demise of the person she had killed.
Goldman's aggressive stance certainly caused massive pain, speeding the demise of Bear Stearns and AIG.
The result is that the company is facing substantial difficulties, and even its possible demise.
Nature film maker DrAnna Nekaris explained why their popularity could also lead to their demise.
Those who have been at a loss since the demise of Mortimer's are happy once again.
The news of the Gaddafi demise thus will probably have two different types of effects.
We keep hearing that Federal Reserve monetary policy will lead to the demise of paper money.
FORBES: Dollar Not Doomed But You're Gonna Need More Of Them
After the demise of MF Global, one could call Jefferies and CEO Richard Handler survivors.
FORBES: Jefferies And CEO Handler Survive Q4 Scare, Shares Rally On Earnings
With the demise of the Aibo and QRIO, is there actually a market for personal robots?
FORBES: Reflections on Personal Robots, Backwards and Forwards
The news of its demise has led to a debate about the service on Twitter.
From the moment our new corporate website was born we were already planning its demise.
But then his demise was largely due to his dismal record on the economy.
Experts have been forecasting the imminent demise of U.S. Treasuries for more than a decade.
Kelley, an NRA member, tried to cast the bill's demise in a positive light.
So why isn't anyone shedding any tears over the Dow's demise on Wall Street?
If that happens, it will be a leading indicator of his own political demise.
But the same work ethic that drove her success could result in her demise.
Now, can a major factor in NBC's demise also be a major element in its recovery?
Hester, who took the helm in late 2008, had no role in the bank's near-demise.
The city flourished until trade routes were redirected in the seventh century, leading to Petra's demise.
Different Asian societies saw youngsters so traumatized by their pets' demise that they needed counseling.
Scientists are still poring through the last chunk of data beamed back just before their demise.
Commentators who cannot abide her frosty pragmatism eagerly predict her demise whenever she faces setbacks.
Companies often buy "key man" insurance to cover costs related to top executives' unexpected demise.
WSJ: Executive No-Fly Zone? When a CEO's Thrill-Seeking Rattles the Board
Lehman Brothers' demise transformed an already bad situation in the credit markets into a full-scale crisis.