But many in Congress criticise the law, and are reluctant to finance the demobilisation.
The ceremony coincides with the 60th anniversary of the demobilisation of the last Bevin Boys.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Brown honours wartime Bevin Boys
UN's costly 18-month demobilisation programme looks in retrospect like an all-expenses-paid rest programme for rebel soldiers.
ECONOMIST: Angola on the way to war
The deserter, whose name has not been disclosed, will be given a new identity in accordance with Colombia's guerrilla demobilisation plan.
BBC: Former ELN hostage Orlando Ibarra
The agenda does not contemplate a ceasefire, let alone the guerrillas' demobilisation.
ECONOMIST: Hopes and fears in Colombia
Until recently, it had 100, 000 men under arms (with only 4m people) and demobilisation has been slow, with little employment at the end.
ECONOMIST: Ethiopia and Eritrea: Why are they fighting? | The
The money from Italy will be invested in health and education projects as well as rebuilding road infrastructure and the demobilisation of Ethiopian troops.
BBC: Horn POW releases delayed
He is due to receive another motorbike under the demobilisation scheme, which he will sell, doubtless at a hefty discount, to pay off his debts.
ECONOMIST: Turning swords into ploughshares is proving tricky
Demobilisation, however, is unlikely to be one of them.
ECONOMIST: And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds
The president was speaking shortly after high-ranking Farc commander Mauricio Jaramillo said the rebels were "fully committed" to a process that could culminate in the surrender of arms and the demobilisation of forces.
BBC: Colombia's President Santos rejects Farc ceasefire call
Demobilisation has not been straightforward.