Polls show that Christie has a 2-1 advantage right now over Democratic state Sen.
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Despite being a Republican governor in a predominantly Democratic state, he pushed through significant tax changes.
Even Spain only became a democratic state after the Monarchy was restored after the Franco regime.
Here's how Casey was introduced at the Democratic State Committee Meeting in Harrisburg on Saturday.
The Bush administration says U.S. troops must remain in Iraq to help establish a democratic state.
Hegel saw history as an evolution of ideas that would culminate in the ideal liberal-democratic state.
The two candidates have much in common, believing in a democratic state based on a free-market economy.
Republicans have held the governor's office since 1990, which is quite remarkable again in a predominantly Democratic state.
These are those who fought for the Polish freedom and for the democratic state, and they fought well.
Yet the court's defenders say that nothing in the judgment stops the EU from becoming a full-fledged democratic state.
He ran as a Republican against Democratic state Rep. Steve Holland, the son of Judge Sadie Holland, and lost.
Olympia Snowe, a Republican, is expected to best her challenger, Democratic state Sen.
Rand, whose family can trace its roots back to the 1700s, is a Democratic state senator in North Carolina.
Proposition 200 "was never intended to combat voter fraud, " said Democratic state Sen.
In this overwhelmingly Democratic state, 18 candidates are vying for the party's nomination.
He talked up his record as governor of Massachusetts, when he worked very successfully with a Democratic state legislature.
And in Colorado, Republican Marilyn Musgrave is being challenged for her House seat by Democratic state Rep. Angie Paccione.
Turkey remains for many protesters across the Middle East a beacon, a democratic state they can only dream of.
In a district that had more Democrats than Republicans, 41-year-old Democratic state legislator John Murtha eked out a 230-vote victory.
"Success, the establishment of a peaceful, democratic state, the defeat of terrorism -- this success is within reach, " he said.
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Clay Shaw is trying to fend off Democratic state legislator Ron Klein by painting him as a tool of special interests.
"For the first time, he'll likely be viewed as a lame-duck governor, " said Mark Strama, a Democratic state representative from Austin.
The debate made headlines after Democratic State Rep. Joe Salazar made controversial statements about ways to protect women on campuses.
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Orrin Hatch, a Republican and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is expected to win a fifth term over Democratic state Sen.
The governor's push came about a week after federal prosecutors in New York shook up the political world, charging Democratic State Sen.
Riggs, in his third term representing the North Coast's 1st District, would have faced a difficult re-election challenge from Democratic state Sen.
New Jersey is considered a solidly Democratic state in presidential general elections.
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So the court wants to ensure that Germany does not surrender to the EU any of the core powers of a democratic state.
In 1996, he narrowly defeated a Democratic state legislator (50-44 percent), who benefited from a major effort by the AFL-CIO to defeat Ensign.
Moore praises the Democratic state senators who refuse to return, pointing out that only one needs to return to give Scott Walker his quorum.
FORBES: Michael Moore Speaks in Wisconsin: 'America is not Broke'