In December, four years since the track's demolition, Leicester City Council announced the sale of the land.
The last of the demolition work on the old Manchester city centre will be finished this year, with Exchange Square, Cathedral Street, the Corn Exchange and Marks and Spencer open by November 1999.
Some residents who didn't formally oppose the demolition said they are concerned that the city's penchant for building new rather than renovating may be shortsighted.
The mayor of Bath is trying to save the city's last gasometer from demolition.
Some have filed a lawsuit to block the planned demolition of four major housing projects in the city.
Swansea City's 3-0 demolition of rivals Leeds United on Saturday, their fourth successive victory, was a statement of intent by Rodgers' promotion chasers.
Evictions have risen fourfold since 1996, as owners seek to take advantage of demand to install tenants ready to pay higher rents, and the stock of cheaper housing has dwindled, with the demolition of five public housing projects in the city adding to the pressure.
The residents, some of whom are part of a class-action lawsuit against the city's plan to demolish at least 120 homes in the neighborhood, said the city was violating an injunction to halt any demolition until the suit is heard in court.
When the city passed a law declaring all homes without toilets liable for demolition as "menaces to public health, " some people refused to comply.
The demolition of part of an old leisure centre is to be considered by planners at Nottingham City Council.
Mr. BRIAN FRANK (Demolition Crew): We need New Orleans to come back, you know, to bring the city back, 'cause...
The demolition of Sheffield's Don Valley athletics stadium would be a "huge shame" for the city, Olympic champion Jessica Ennis has said.