Mr Duhalde might yet demur, and nominate his own wife, Hilda, for the Senate race.
ECONOMIST: The first lady of Peronism
Only on Mr Bush's third demand, that Iran become more pluralistic, are the conservatives likely to demur.
ECONOMIST: Iran's diplomacy
In every house we visited, your cup gets topped up apparently forever, until you drain it entirely or demur.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Others demur, either arguing that the court should have no jurisdiction over internal conflicts or that the criminal threshold should be higher in such cases.
ECONOMIST: The UN and war criminals
Others demur: if North Korea wants to put off inspections until the last minute, the project will indeed be delayed further and put in some doubt.
ECONOMIST: After yet another naval clash, talks are off, again
He did not demur even when asked to fix watches, although that enterprise did spectacularly badly, and earned him more kicks than kudos, for no watch he took apart ever kept time again.
NEWYORKER: Nawabdin Electrician
The evenings are increasingly demur events.
WSJ: Mining Woes Snag Financial Firms
The corn people demur.
FORBES: International
Many lab coats demur.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Unfortunately, Germany did not understand that Britain did not have a lien on the whole world, and that (British interests apart) the views of other powers had to be taken into account, so that the desired territorial concessions could not be slipped into Germany's pocket without demur.