Jelinek has created a witty, sardonic creature, rather than the demure-seeming public Jackie familiar to Americans.
The demure appearance of the women delegates, in their traditional black cloaks, was deceptive.
Perlmutter is demure about his ambitions, saying he doesn't look forward more than two or three years.
Demure isn't a word normally associated with Herve Leger, yet nary a knee peeked out of the collection.
In the meantime, she's currently on Broadway in "The Heiress, " playing the demure daughter of an unkind, affluent doctor.
Bradford Cover preens with swaggering pride as soon-to-be-Sir Harry Sims, with Vaishnavi Sharma sweetly demure as his politely loyal wife.
While some may harken this mindset to demure ladies, in reality, what it requires is a firm grip on the wheel.
Just when I thought I wasn't going to make the 10-minute mark, two demure women appeared in the sand next to me.
It all seemed demure, thanks to a below-the-knee hem and fur hooded goatskin sweatshirts that didn't seem out of place after the blizzard.
Ms. Issa said she has noticed a "demure but confident spring" in her step since she started to wear kitten heels over the past year.
The demure Tam, however, has gone on to be embraced by the corporate world, not just Disney but also Hewlett-Packard (notebook computers for women) and Sony (animated film).
It's a useful starting point in the garden-party dress discussion, because it signifies the dramatic turnaround that has occurred in the past 10 years in terms of demure summer dressing.
However she was happy to parade it in department stores on her return to the US. She was back at Wimbledon in 1950 but in a much more demure get-up.
But the global-warming religionists are losing credibility with the American public precisely because they are too forceful and creative in delivering speculative global warming claims, not because they are too conservative and demure.
Somehow, Donatello transforms a traditional devotional form into a potent evocation of an individual, pointing the way to the vividly personal paintings and sculptures of demure women and powerful men in subsequent galleries.
WSJ: The Renaissance Portrait | From Out of a Featureless Crowd | By Karen Wilkin
When it comes to Kate Middleton, she exists as a two-dimensional image in print and on television for most of us, and yes, she does look pretty thin in her demure dresses, skinny jeans, and riding outfits.
FORBES: Who Cares If Katie Couric Calls Kate Middleton 'Too Thin?'
Other more demure offerings include a brainteaser to tests intelligence levels, a pursuit that has attracted older gamers to bag the DS. Iwata also explained, perhaps for the completely uninitiated, that traditional games that focused on sports, shooting and fist fights tended to draw young males.