In the past this term was used to denote inter-dependence between different positions in the negotiations.
This week, Maryland will likely join 30 other states that denote violence against gays as a hate crime.
Books that benefited from bulk sales are supposed to have a dagger icon next to them to denote that fact.
FORBES: Here's How You Buy Your Way Onto The New York Times Bestsellers List
It could be useful to denote things such as the sun's mass (2.2 hellatons) and energy output (approximately 0.4 hellawatts).
ECONOMIST: Scientists measure a few yoctonewtons for the first time
Bright rear projections and atmospheric lighting supplement Allen Moyer's versatile rolling scaffolding, with stairs and platforms that smartly denote many locations.
The problem is that older computers used only two digits to denote the year so that 1999 would be represented by '99.
Such changes are often done to denote a modification in engine displacement.
Does this denote some cunning plan by Mr Banks to show up the bland centrism of New Labour on the campaign trail?
The figures that were released recently denote that we have for the first time in more than a year seen positive economic growth.
Long before financial traders adopted the term, futures traders used the phrase "Texas hedge" to denote a doubling-down of bets by cattlemen trading futures.
Historically, says Alex Carpenter of Interbrand, brands were used in financial services in their most basic form: to denote the origin of a product.
ECONOMIST: Banks are trying to develop better brands. About time too
Ratings of AAA -- which denote practially no default risk -- are crucial to the insurers because they effectively transfer their creditworthiness to bond issuers.
In addition, software allowed "complete control" over subtle facial elements such as blushing and even the diameter of Milo's nostrils, which he said could denote stress.
BBC: 'Virtual human' Milo comes out to play at TED in Oxford
Lighter-coloured pixels denote less pen pressure on the paper, so differences between samples indicate different patterns of pen pressure and thus the likelihood that different authors were involved.
On view through 30 June in Malingue's white, sunny space are works by contemporary Chinese artist Zhang Huan, who uses ash to craft paintings and sculptures that denote the impermanence of human life.
Well, look, I think obviously when you have numbers like we have, there are any number of groups that comprise that larger number that denote just how serious the economic crisis is.
Other experiments had seen some evidence of the D-meson's flipping, but this is the first that crosses the "five sigma" level of statistical significance that particle physicists use to denote an official discovery.
The statistics that I read I think denote that we believe that from announcement to the beginning of hearings can be done well within the norm, put her hearing probably sometime in mid-July.
There really should be a way to denote whether a spot is metered, covered by some wacky city permit law or submerged in a foot of water -- here's hoping the next update will enable comments.
Important cities, like Mianyang, are classified as Tier 3, and many analysts carry the classifications further and use Tier 4 to denote cities that are large and important by any standard, but are even less well known.
FORBES: China's Best Kept Secrets: Mianyang And Other Tier 3 Cities
Afterward, we were asked to swipe through a Pinterest-style gallery of food pictures and drag various images into brown paper bags (or the trash) to denote which we'd like to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and for snacks.
ENGADGET: Nutrino is a virtual nutritionist for iOS, we go hands-on