It was dense and cut nicely by the outrageously garlicky and salty white sauce served alongside.
That set off a frenetic search through an area marked by dense brush and steep terrain.
Urban boosters point to dense, expensive cities like New York, Boston and San Francisco.
The last section of road corkscrewed into almost unimaginably dense jungle mountains that marked the border.
Finally, of course, there's the dense, sturdy keyboard, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
Eventually mossy rocks give way to dense hedgerows, coloured with foxgloves and buttercups, then a red telephone box.
Google Calendar now has a default setting like Preview Dense, and more icons, fewer words.
Everything here is a little too saturated, a little too bright, a little too dense.
How could this be, if everyone with an above-a-room-temperature IQ supposedly favors hip, cool, dense cities?
The cooler air at the top will contract and become more dense and create a downdraft.
Zappos could get a dense, urban option by moving to a place like San Francisco.
Venturing through its dense and lively rain forests feels like looking back in time.
When picking the fruit, he said, look for dense, heavy, fragrant specimens that aren't too big.
WSJ: Michael Schwartz's Striped Bass with Grapefruit and Pickled Radish
However, MRI and ultrasound can detect cancer in dense breast tissue with about 97% accuracy, fortunately!
FORBES: Beware Overreaching Government Efforts to Detect Breast Cancer
The other three whose masses are known are less dense, so presumably have more hydrogen.
Firefighters reported two small flames and dense clouds of white smoke streaming from the battery.
But going back to diffuse non-dense agrarian sources for energy is to regress , not progress.
They also have to compete less fiercely for resources than trees in dense forests.
Huge flocks are immediately responsive to whatever movement cues occur within their dense broods.
And make sure to include calorie-dense toppings on everything from pasta to cereal to chili.
CNN: How can I help my heroin-addicted daughter gain weight?
Even though they are healthy, they will prevent her from eating more energy dense foods.
CNN: How can I help my heroin-addicted daughter gain weight?
The dense vegetation and camouflage airboat that the Schrecks used made the rescue difficult, officials said.
Florida says that dense cities are full of creative and tolerant people who drive economic activity.
His understanding grew on one of several trips to the dense forests in Cameroon.
We can live in other "dense" American cities, such as Boston, San Francisco or Chicago.
In contrast, the GDP growth rates for the hip, dense metro areas lagged behind.
As I exited the building I recall a dense sea of people drifting up 1st Ave.
NASA-funded astronomers have located two planets located within a dense cluster of sun-like stars.
Warning: this is a very dense diagram, so take your time trying to parse it.
The fossil firms say that their fuels are energy-dense and can be stored, making them reliable.