These blocks, standing cheek-by-jowl on every street, make this neighbourhood the most densely populated area in Australia.
Bustling densely populated urban epicenters with high turnovers of tourists and business travelers are among the worst sufferers.
Once created, alternative energy must be transported to the most densely populated cities where it is ultimately required.
Why do people thrive in such densely populated places as Manhattan Island, Hong Kong and Tokyo?
Authorities believed they had trapped the car in a densely populated residential neighborhood of Watertown.
It would be even harder on people who live in less densely populated areas.
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It seems that the world of Columbia is more densely populated than the ravaged Rapture.
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That makes more densely populated places more attractive to people who want to share knowledge.
Black townships, even the most densely populated, are conspicuous for their lack of commercial buzz.
Nearly all of the northern cities are "slowly sinking" as they become less densely populated.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Northamptonshire | London's growth 'swallows' south
Domestic sewerage is of concern, as it affects ecosystems close to densely populated areas.
Verizon got an early jump on its LTE competitors but focused mainly on densely populated metropolitan areas.
The bill's sponsors, Henry Waxman and Edward Markey, come from wealthy, densely populated Beverly Hills and Boston.
With 3.6 million people, it is both among the nation's most densely populated and densely forested states.
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It's already Europe's most densely populated country and migrant arrivals are equivalent to half the annual birth rate.
Street gangs hold sway in many of the poorest, most densely populated parts of the capital city, Port-au-Prince.
They tend to focus deployment in more densely populated areas, and along major highways and office or shopping districts.
Each is among the least densely populated in the country, but with some powerful and long-tenured representation in Congress.
Densely populated, low-lying areas, such as large river deltas and small islands, are at the greatest risk from flooding.
This demonstrates that planets are found even in areas densely populated with stars.
The Kobe earthquake of 1995 happened in one of the most densely populated places on earth, and killed only 6, 400.
While vast parts of the United States remain empty, the areas that attract immigration are as densely populated as Europe.
With about 700, 000 inhabitants, the 24-sq-mile area is one of the most densely populated parts of an already packed city.
Most of the world's poor live in densely populated squatter settlements and lack many of the basics of human survival.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Losing sight of the countryside
The makers say the new bus offers a "sustainable, safe and clean power source", ideally suited for a densely populated city.
Its policing area is described as "predominantly rural", but it also contains some densely populated urban areas and many market towns.
In densely populated India and the teeming cities of Brazil, local social networking sites have won the loyalties of internet users.
It recommends allocating limited resources to the most densely populated areas rather than trying to spread them thinly across the city.
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These valleys were densely populated in pre-European times and you will see low, stone temples and groups of long-abandoned traditional house foundations.
Authorities believed they had trapped the car in a densely populated residential neighborhood of Watertown, but the brothers put up a fight.