As warm surface waters flow north they cool and get saltier, which makes them denser.
Denser networks give them the ability to detour around damaged points to make connections.
The rounds are denser than standard ammunition, making them more effective against armour.
Moreover, the handset market is getting denser with the entry of Chinese players like ZTE and Huawei.
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Corollary: perhaps higher-order spaces are denser, more difficult as a medium for conversation.
But solid-oxide fuel cells are hardier and offer far more punch because they can use denser hydrocarbons as fuel.
As more people opt for a denser more walkable urban experience, these will become relics of a different economy.
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This phenomenon is not unique to Japan, but the opacity does seem denser.
These cone-shaped outflows have denser ridges corkscrewing around their surfaces much like strings of lights wrapped around Christmas trees.
The more expensive stuff is denser, and that's what makes those bad noises.
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The combination of positive stress on bone from aerobic and strength training leads to stronger, denser and more functional bone.
Architects, planners and developers identified them as opponents of their grand plans to refashion suburbia into a denser, more rental-oriented environment.
Engineers believe MRAM eventually will be able to get much denser than DRAM, but it has a long way to go.
He notes that many species of algae pack a far denser punch energy-wise than the plants now used as energy crops.
And as the global hero Norman Borlaug has shown, genetic engineering and biotech can even do exactly this for denser food production.
So why Houston rather than greener San Francisco or denser Los Angeles?
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Researchers at the Santa Fe Institute have been able to demonstrate that bigger, denser cities literally speed up the metabolism of daily life.
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On the surface, the show was about bigger, denser displays (4K), tablets of varying sizes, and oddball novelties like robots that clean windows.
Traditionally, China's growing population has either resulted in denser habitation in existing cities, or new developments augmenting older population centers, creating hybrid environments.
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It was immediately and appreciably richer, more flavorful, denser tasting for lack of a better word, really concentrated, but also noticeably more tender.
The lens of the eye also becomes denser and yellower, decreasing the transmission of light, so that more light is often needed to see.
The heat from the friction of its descent into the denser air can ignite the dust and debris in a display of astronomical fireworks.
If you overmix you have two choices: start over for a fluffy cake or accept that the cake will be denser but still tasty.
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Some have longer limbs, denser bones, slipperier tendons and double joints.
St Louis is a city of the east, like Philadelphia, with its denser grid of streets and its German immigrants (the world's biggest brewery is here).
Occasionally we used our hands to pull ourselves up large sets of smooth rocks, and as we climbed, the jungle grew denser and the waterfall became steeper.
"It maintains the feeling of space that we've always tried to make the primary facet of our music, while introducing more diverse, and sometimes denser arrangements, " Wells says.
The peninsula between the two could also be much denser.
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As LNG dispensing infrastructures grow, they can be expected to bring CNG more prominently into the automotive marketplace as well to serve denser urban and suburban driver network needs.
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